
Amiami A/C: Ayu Tsukimiya Unboxing/ReviewAmiami A/C: Ayu Tsukimiya Unboxing/ReviewReview

BloosicaBloosica9 years ago

Whenever I search through Amiami's pre-owned section I always find a hidden gem. I know some people don't like Amiami for reasons x, y and z. But honestly it's my favorite place to shop for figures and the pre-owned section is DANGEROUS! for my wallet at least.

So a few weeks ago I came upon Max Factory's figure for Ayu Tsukimiya from the anime/visual novel Kanon. The anime is one of mine and my boyfriend's favorite animes. Definitely top of the list for sad animes for dem feels. I know Clannad has truly depressing scenes, but Kanon just holds a special place in my heart.


The figure itself was listed as an A, meaning it hasn't been opened or appears it hasn't been opened. However as I mentioned in my haul post the box was listed as a C. I know many collectors wouldn't touch a C box as they like to keep everything pristine and they do help the resale value, but as long as the figure isn't damaged I don't mind a few dents in the box.

The most noticeable dent was in the front and top of the box, but it wasn't so badly dented that the blister packaging inside was dented or damage.

But enough of the box. Let's take a look at the figure.


Whenever I remove a figure I check out all the main points: weight, paint, pieces and overall design. Ayu shines in all of these areas.

When I first removed her I noticed she had a nice weight to her. Not to heavy, but not so light that if feels that you could break her with the slightest bump or part change.

Next up: her paint job, which I'm just going to go out and say that it looks amazing. The paint on her coat gets a few shades darker in the folds, but not so much that it's distracting. Just enough to give off the elision of fabric. Her gloves and hair give off just as much shine as needed to convey the natural shine of hair and what might look like leather or faux leather mittens. Now I can't be sure what her mittens are made out of on the show, but the figure gives them the life they need.

There is also not a line out of place or a paint smudge to be found, even on the more detailed areas such as her sleeves and socks. Overall you can tell the amount of care and details that went into creating Ayu's finishing touches.


Taking a closer look at her face (and those wings!), I believe that Max Factory did a fantastic job at capturing Ayu's essence and personality. Her facial expression gives off that innocent, childlike personality that Ayu is famous for.


Besides the amazing sculpt, paint job and facial features, Max Factory brings this figure to a whole new level with interchangeable parts. As you may have noticed she comes with her favorite backpack with wings, which she can been seem wearing throughout most of the anime and then a set of angel wings.

Both of these accessories still have the same attention to detail as the rest of the figure. The angel wings are weighty enough that they don't appear to slope down because of their weight or lack there of. As for the design on the wings themselves I like that they aren't a mirror image of the other and have their own unique wing patterns. They also have a nice translucent paint job that has a slight gradient to light pink near the tips.

As for her backpack, another hood is added that includes the front straps and the backpack includes the bottom parts of the straps so it actually looks like she is wearing a backpack instead of one just clipped to the back of her.

All parts are easily interchangeable and stay in place well when added to the figure.


Lastly I do want to point out what her stand looks like. For me it's a pretty boring stand. The Letters are raised for the title and there is even some painted or perhaps stickers of snow flakes around the title. Other than that it's a plain white disc. While you could argue that it's her just standing on some packed snow, it's still rather boring. While it doesn't take anything away from the figure it also doesn't add anything. Overall I would say that the stand is this figures only downfall.

To see more of Ayu be sure to check out the video below for the full unboxing and even a short demo on how to change the pieces and what the joints look like. Thanks for stopping bye :)

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Leo_Otaku9 years ago#1855231Yeah Ayu is the best :D I love Kanon ^-^ Great review! I regret not getting Makoto at the time :(
I love all equally AIR is a longer game and should have been along anime but Kyo-ani was just starting out. But you should watch AIR again :) It is really good!

I do plan on watching it again. I can't remember if it's something my boyfriend has seen or not, but we haven't seen it together and we are taking turns watching all of our anime together. So we will get there at some point lol
9 years ago
Yeah Ayu is the best :D I love Kanon ^-^ Great review! I regret not getting Makoto at the time :(
Bloosica9 years ago#1854408I have Air, watched Air yet I can't remember it for the life of me. Meaning it didn't stick with me. So loving Kanon over Air is an easy call for me. I agree that Clannad has more depressing moments, but for some reason I still like Kanon better. I can't put it into words. I just do. Not that I don't love Clannad because I do and yes it made me cry more. But there is just something about Kanon.
Good luck on your hunt for Ayu if you decide to get her.
I love all equally AIR is a longer game and should have been along anime but Kyo-ani was just starting out. But you should watch AIR again :) It is really good!
9 years ago
WindsorSeven9 years ago#1855052The box is a lot less damaged than I thought it would be.

I've gotten C boxes before and I think the last one I would have thought would have been a B rating as only the corners were a little worn. I've actually gotten a B box worse then this one. It was dented and the window part was coming out. Of course then I've gotten Bs that look like As as well. So it's a random really. I'm not a huge perfectionist with boxes so I don't mind going down to Cs as you have stated they aren't that bad. But knowing their system they could have worse listed as C.
9 years ago
WindsorSeven SHSL Vegone
The box is a lot less damaged than I thought it would be.
9 years ago
Bloosica9 years ago#1854408Good luck on your hunt for Ayu if you decide to get her.

And in reference to my AmiAmi question, Makoto is one of the pre-owned figures that is in limbo with Perrine, so that's why I'm so anxious to get her shipped out!
9 years ago
victorviper9 years ago#1854361Ayu is so adorable. Of the Air-Kanon-Clannad trio, Kanon is definitely the least tearjerky, although it does have its moments. I finally tracked down Max Factory's Makoto, so maybe now I need an Ayu of my own to go with her.

I have Air, watched Air yet I can't remember it for the life of me. Meaning it didn't stick with me. So loving Kanon over Air is an easy call for me. I agree that Clannad has more depressing moments, but for some reason I still like Kanon better. I can't put it into words. I just do. Not that I don't love Clannad because I do and yes it made me cry more. But there is just something about Kanon.

Good luck on your hunt for Ayu if you decide to get her.
9 years ago
Ayu is so adorable. Of the Air-Kanon-Clannad trio, Kanon is definitely the least tearjerky, although it does have its moments. I finally tracked down Max Factory's Makoto, so maybe now I need an Ayu of my own to go with her.
9 years ago

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