
More Male Figures!!Male figures

anabiRegular Boarder • lv13
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What is the percentage of males in your collection?

27%below 25%
16%26% - 50%
17%51% - 75%
40%76% - 100%
582 votes
13 years ago
How many male figures are in your collection?
Singer_YunaAll along the Watchtower ♪Staff Veteran • lv29
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13 years ago
Mine is a 8%...for seeing your percentage click on the bonus area on the curiosities collections.php... , several times until it pops up
MelodyRegular Boarder • lv14
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13 years ago
I guess around 75% or more. lol xD It just so happens to be that I collect figures from the series I like. :D
RKasaDeal Hunter ( =₃=)*Very Important Boarder • lv29
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13 years ago
10% for me. My many (vastly majority female) Pinky:st figures don't help matters ^_^;
MuntoeLover of cacti ♡꒰*・ω・Staff Veteran • lv46
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imacatloverRegular Boarder • lv22
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13 years ago • Updated 13 years ago
Mine was first 65 percent... But then I thought "No wait, that can't be ö__o" and saw I had a few of my male figures untagged. When I was done tagging, I ended with 80 percent over 112 figures...

Much better~ ♥
D-don’t worry. A-all we have to do is find a t-t-t-time machine. - Gintoki, Gintama
xorubyredRegular Boarder • lv14
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13 years ago
the majority of my figure collection is being shipped right now (recently started collecting), but going by what i've ordered & paid for, ~80% male. my original goal was to only collect male figures to save $$, but i gave in to BRS (original ver, anime ver, figma, nendos) so that ruined my plan & upped the female % a lot.
anabiRegular Boarder • lv13
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13 years ago • Updated 12 years ago
According to MFC's bonus trivia, 88% of my collection are boys. ^__^ I never realized how many boys were in my collection~
Aya-KunVery Important Boarder • lv25
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13 years ago
after some tagging the bonus trivia say that only 51% of my collection is dudes....im was sure it would be more when i count it there is 126 out of 192 figure i would have thought that would have been more i was sure i didn't have that many female figures
raetehytanRegular Boarder • lv14
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13 years ago
15% ...Almost all Nagisa Kaworu.
hamsterfactorRegular Boarder • lv20
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13 years ago
71% not counting my ordered figures (there're a bunch of girls). Not bad =D
SaRuimage not foundStaff Veteran • lv31
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13 years ago
71%.. dammit.. used to be almost 90% but because of misc stuff and artbooks.. it got lower.

Female are 14%.. so that means 15% of the stuff in my collection doesn't have a gender _o_
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v433/SoulTaker06/Firmas/f3n.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v433/SoulTaker06/Firmas/d_03.gif
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v433/SoulTaker06/s.png 釘パンチ~!!
planck-chanRegular Boarder • lv18
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13 years ago
oh my! It's 100% \o/
Not that I'll never have a female figure on my collection, I dunno... but the male ones are so few compared to the massive release of female figures, that it just melts my heart to get only them (the guys).
poonkRegular Boarder • lv13
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13 years ago
Though my collection is still small (19, soon to be 20 when Sengoku Basara's Sanada Yukimura Revoltech arrives), all but 1 is male. The lone girl in the group is a small, inexpensive figure of Rurouni Kenshin's Kaoru, purchased years ago (along with Kenshin) when I was first getting into anime. Good thing she's got that wooden sword to fend off all those guys-- though, since my "Owned" category has been labeled with "bl" underneath it*, perhaps she won't need it after all.

It's not that I have anything against female figures particularly, it's just that, like Melody mentioned above, I buy figures from series I like. Those tend to be either: A.) bishounen-heavy, or B.) mostly evenly split between male and female characters. And even then, the female characters from the latter category of shows (such as the leads from Library Wars, Twelve Kingdoms, & Pumpkin Scissors, to name a few) don't really lend themselves to the figure market (i.e. they're not really "fanservicey"-types). So I've contented myself with just buying male figures, which is probably for the best as it's still a dauntingly expensive hobby even with that restriction.

*As an aside, I'm really curious about those labels under people's collections, especially how they're calculated. For example, some people have a bunch of tags under theirs ("pink hair," "glasses," "male," for example) but I've only got "bl", even though only 4 figures are from overtly BL properties (Lamento & Togainu no Chi). I can't find any mention of it in the FAQ. Anyone know about this?
RyuugaRegular Boarder • lv11
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13 years ago
I only have one girl right now -u-
I still need more guys, to even out the amount of girls I have ordered.
nendoxnerdRegular Boarder • lv15
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13 years ago
14% only. Don't expect that percentage to go up that much either. XD
Rainbow-LicorneRegular Boarder • lv15
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13 years ago
some how I have 9% male...and 20% female...I dont own gundams so IDFK what the other 71 percent would be. derp.
escape_ropeVery Important Boarder • lv43
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13 years ago
I don't understand the bonus page very well.. is there a way to calculate the figures only? 'cause it says I have 23% males in my collection and only 14% females. But I really do have more girl figures than boys u__u"
jiejieon iceStaff Veteran • lv26
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13 years ago
The bonus page calculates the percentage based on the "male" and "female" tags. So if no one tagged a figure as male or female, it's not counted. So Rainbow-Licorne's other 71% would be untagged figures, for example.
NashRegular Boarder • lv16
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13 years ago
So 63% of your figures are genderless? lol
58 replies

More Male Figures!!4

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