
Dakimakura lovers clubDakimakura Inner Pillow ( 2020 )

KamiosuHarem MasterRegular Boarder • lv29
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2 years ago
I need help finding a good inner pillow. Is the most recommended still DHR6000/DHR7000
or is there anything else at a good price today. I don't mind using a proxy but shipping could be expensive. Anyone got any recommendations and where to get it?
ChromiumHazardRegular Boarder • lv7
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2 years ago
Kamiosu2 years ago#86670981I need help finding a good inner pillow. Is the most recommended still DHR6000/DHR7000
or is there anything else at a good price today. I don't mind using a proxy but shipping could be expensive. Anyone got any recommendations and where to get it?

I have a DHR 6000 and its awesome. I wouldn't buy a DHR 7000, I don't own one but I seriously doubt they could do anything to a pillow that would justify a 50% increase in price. You'll have to buy from a proxy. I've only used FromJapan. They were ok, but I'm not rushing to use them again. A circle named "dakimakuri" has an inner which people say is good. I don't have one though.

Shipping is going to be expensive. dakimakuri will be the most cost effective, but shipping will still be $50 USD. The shipping for DHR 6000/7000 will vary based on the proxy and where you live, but I suspect it will be higher.

That said, the DHR 6000 is awesome. As someone who owns one I promise you'll be happy with it. As for dakimakuri and DHR 7000 you'd be well served to Google opinions on how people feel about them to get a better idea. Reddit Dakimakura subreddit would probably be an ok place to search.

Let me know how it goes, good luck!
ShinaYakotoRegular Boarder • lv4
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3 months ago • Updated 3 months ago
I'm also a fan of anime body pillows and I totally understand the struggle of finding a good inner pillow. While the DHR6000/DHR7000 is a popular choice, there are actually other options available that are just as good but at a more affordable price point. Personally, I've tried the Tsubasa inner pillow from Anime Dakimakura Pillow and it's been really comfortable and durable so far. Overall, I'd say that finding the right inner pillow really depends on your personal preferences and budget. It's always a good idea to do some research and read reviews before making a purchase.
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