
How to make miniature Japanese DoorsHow to make miniature Japanese DoorsTutorial

NendoroidoodadsNendoroidoodads8 years ago
Well as voted in my last tutorial BLOG #22223
Here is 'How to make a miniature Japanese door' :)
*this ones a little picture heavy and fiddly*

You will need...
- Balsa wood (popstick size)
- Toothpicks
- Stanley knife
- Marking pen
- Glue (I used super glue)
- Double sided tape
- Baking paper
(any translucent paper)
- figure for scale
If you want to paint it add paint brush and paint to the list ^^

First off mark the spots you will be cutting to make a perfect rectangular shape .
Then cut it and test it is right (mine was nendoroid size)~


Line out your toothpicks to see how they fit with your door size.
When you have decided where you want them mark out where they will go.
*make sure they are closer to one side (the front of your door)*


First we will do the horizontal toothpicks!
Softly stab the toothpick into one side of the wood (door frame) where you marked it, then do the other side.
This part can be fiddly if your having trouble doing the second side glue in the first side then try!

Once you have done that your door should look something like this,
If you are happy with it all you can glue it in place!
Do each corner of the door frame and each toothpick where it is stuck into the wood.

Now to do the vertical toothpicks!
Line the toothpicks on the door and mark on 2 toothpicks where to cut so it reaches the middle section only.
Then put them aside for now!


Now for the tops and bottoms of the vertical toothpicks!
Line them up and cut the when they meet with the middle section!


Then line them all up together and glue them in place, (pressing them into the frame like earlier!)

With your piece of baking paper cut it to fit the back,
Then put double sided tap around the frame on the back and stick it on!


As usual if my explanation was not as bad as I think it was you should end up with a little door similar to this ^^



For more of my stuff you can go here - www.facebook.co...

Thanks for Reading, Hope you Enjoy!

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jkb8 years ago#3125388Smart, this is great !
Thanks for sharing !

Your welcome glad you like it :)
8 years ago
MashedApples8 years ago#3125331No varnish?

I just used paint this time but you could use it :)
8 years ago
Smart, this is great !
Thanks for sharing !
8 years ago
No varnish?
8 years ago
skullkid8 years ago#3124759I continue to be amazed by your crafting ability! This is really helpful, and I can see these techniques being applied towards other things as well (like windows for example!)
Thanks again for another awesome tutorial. :) Keep em coming!

Thank you so much ^.^
I am glad you find it helpful,I will definitely try windows in the future :D
8 years ago
I continue to be amazed by your crafting ability! This is really helpful, and I can see these techniques being applied towards other things as well (like windows for example!)

Thanks again for another awesome tutorial. :) Keep em coming!
8 years ago
GodYagami8 years ago#3123839Very nice.
Thanks again.

Thanks ^.^
8 years ago
Kuroneko8 years ago#3123759Really nice!I'll try making one! :D

Thanks, Be sure to show me :D
8 years ago
Tiamat268 years ago#3123729 Now that must take patients to do that.. Would not know if I could or not.. But great Tutorial. Keep them coming.
= )

Maybe a little it wasn't too bad :p
Thanks i will keep them coming ^^
8 years ago
Very nice.
Thanks again.
8 years ago

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