
An Eromanga Sensei Figure That’s Just a Little Bit EcchiAn Eromanga Sensei Figure That’s Just a Little Bit EcchiMisc

otakumodeotakumode6 years ago

About the Project
Tokyo Otaku Mode has teamed up with Straight Edge Inc., AKA the producers of the original light novel and anime series Eromanga Sensei, to bring you a project we like to call... “An Eromanga Sensei Sagiri Izumi Figure That’s Just a Little Bit Ecchi”.

This figure was designed as a joint effort between viewers and the voice actress of Sagiri Izumi, Akane Fujita on the web series “Eromanga Sensei The Anime: Let’s Make The Latest Anime Together!”.

*Please Note* The currently available images are of a 3D data prototype. Physical prototypes are to be produced at a later date. Pictures right now are not finalized versions of the colors, the prototype is still subject to change.
Please let us know your opinions on this blog post, and look forward to the final product!

We’ve prepared two rewards this time, a standard version and a deluxe version.
The deluxe version comes with two very special bonus items: the Akane Fujita Photo Collection Book, and an Eromanga Sensei postcard featuring the autograph of the light novel’s author, Tsukasa Fushimi! The front of the postcard features an illustration by A-1 Pictures of Sagiri in the same pose as the figure, and on the back, a handwritten message from the President of Straight Edge Inc., Kazuma Miki!

Standard Version
-Sagiri Izumi Swimsuit & White Shirt Ver. Figure
-Tsukasa Fushimi Autographed Postcard (Illustration by A-1 Pictures)
-Kazuma Miki Handwritten Thank You Message
Price: 13,000 JPY (shipment cost will be added to price)

Deluxe Version
-Sagiri Izumi Swimsuit & White Shirt Ver. Figure
-Akane Fujita Photo Collection “Akaneiro” (B5 paperback book, full-color, planned to be approx. 100 pages)
-Tsukasa Fushimi Autographed Postcard (Illustration by A-1 Pictures)
-Kazuma Miki Handwritten Thank You Message
Price: 15,000 JPY (shipment cost will be added to price)

*More information on Akane Fujita’s Photo Collection “Akaneiro” to come in early August 2017!

In this figure, Sagiri is wearing a skimpy, vividly colored bikini. Loosely clad over it is a white button-down shirt.


Sagiri’s most charming characteristic is the long, straight, silver hair that flows from her body. Taking full advantage of the playful posing only possible with a figure, we’ve given the flow of her hair a dynamic final touch. And of course, we haven’t forgotten her charming pink ribbons, either!


Sagiri sits on the figure base surrounded by all her favorite stuffed toys. The pile of colorful, plump plushies really are the icing on the cake.
Behold, a Sagiri figure that completely recreates the world of Eromanga Sensei!




We will continue to update this page as the project progresses so that everyone can follow along with the creation process.
Our next steps are as follows:
→ Polish high-definition 3D-printed model
→ Create silicone mold from polished model
→ Cast urethane resin prototype
→ Create full-color prototype
→ Mass production
→ Shipping

Once the full-color prototype is ready, we’ll make a huge update on this page, so get excited for that!

To see more photos and information, visit the Project Page here

For further details regarding this figure (ordering, product details, etc), we will be more than happy to answer you via our Customer Support form, here at: otakumode.com/i...
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I definitely agree with the hair that's why i'm goign to wait a bit beefore reserving it!

Shimakaze696 years ago#22776675I'm pretty excited for her!! I'm tired of the same pose with the same outfit. Thankfully you and FunnyKnights are breaking the mold with swimsuit figures. Theirs is more playful, but I'm happy to see you take the initiative and make her a little sexy. I mean, she is an erotic artist after all lol. Preordered deluxe version while typing this!
Also, I know this is a 3D model and all, but please don't forget to add the pinkish/purple gradient to the tips of her hair. That alone could ruin this amazing figure.
6 years ago
I was not planning on buying this when I saw this figure this morning. Yet I just ordered the deluxe edition after reading this post.

I am weak.
6 years ago
I'm pretty excited for her!! I'm tired of the same pose with the same outfit. Thankfully you and FunnyKnights are breaking the mold with swimsuit figures. Theirs is more playful, but I'm happy to see you take the initiative and make her a little sexy. I mean, she is an erotic artist after all lol. Preordered deluxe version while typing this!

Also, I know this is a 3D model and all, but please don't forget to add the pinkish/purple gradient to the tips of her hair. That alone could ruin this amazing figure.
6 years ago