
TYPE-MOON FansWho are the figs you would like?

jintooWhere is my mind?Very Important Boarder • lv21
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13 years ago • Updated 13 years ago
Who are the figures of Type Moon's universe that you would like the manufacturers to produce?

As I am concerned, I would like GSC to make a 1/7 scaled PVC figure of Archer.
Max Factory surprised me by producing figmas of Shirou, I think that there will be Archer's figma (are we allowed to dream about a Berserker figma?).
Nonetheless I am more interested in PVC figures (Saber Lily is a perfect example about it). I would like optional arms and want to choose between Archer holding his bow and Archer holding Kanshou and Bakuya.
In January 2010, there will be the movie Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works : so I feel there will be more products about Fate that will be released...
I still have hope !

Man-ThingRegular Boarder • lv14
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13 years ago • Updated 13 years ago
There are sooooooooo much great characters that DESERVE figures!!!!

First of all is lovely and scheming little devil Illyasviel Von Einzbern!!!!\\o/
I absolutely want a figma of her (BOTH in Coat and single dress version) and a PVC of her.
Why not after this illustration?


Ilya is one heck of an underestimated character!!!

A Goodsmile rendition of this awesome smile of coated Rin (click on thumbnail)


would be an absolute must!

A Caster would be more than welcome: if the hood was removable, it would be for the best.o_O
Even in Unlimited blade works (my favorite out of the 3 existing scenarios), she is the most awesome villain of the game.


Perhaps more surprinsing, I would like a giant Berserker figure


A tally and skinny True assassin


and, perhaps even more surprising (?) one of this über cool and underated character that Soichiro is.


Of course, a Gilgamesh would be awesome.


I would like the missing Dark Sakura that was destined to accompagny SABER ALTER SOLID THEATER.


1/7 scale by Goodsmile (or Alter for the male characters) for all characters if not otherwise specified.^^
Minori: ...by the way, I'll poke your eyes out if you order ikki-men
Haruta: Ikki-men!
Ryuuji: Ikki-men!
Noto: Ikki-men!
ClimbatizeMFC Android app makerVery Important Boarder • lv20
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13 years ago
With the coming of UBW in january, this would be awesome:


GSC showed us they were able to do something like that with Canaan :)
AshlotteFull-time ReviewerVery Important Boarder • lv24
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13 years ago
Mmm I just want more Male figures from Fate in general...The game has some of the coolest male characters ever and they oh so deserve glorious scale figures not little trading size ones. >_<
"There are some people who live in a dream world,
and there are some who face reality;
and then there are those who turn one into the other."

StringedRegular Boarder • lv15
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13 years ago
I personally would kill for a good Caster 1/8 or bigger. Also Lancer, and a new Rider with an awesome pose, or even just a rerelease of GSC's Rider or Alter's swimsuit Rider. =<.
Hey baby, wanna see my Noble Phantasm?
ClimbatizeMFC Android app makerVery Important Boarder • lv20
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13 years ago
hey jintoo, maybe your dream will be realized, look at this: PICTURE #27911
jintooWhere is my mind?Very Important Boarder • lv21
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13 years ago
Oh I see you're dreaming 'bout nice stuff ! ;) And I feel my Archer is more doable xD

Climbatizehey jintoo, maybe your dream will be realized, look at this: PICTURE #27911
Well I said I think that the Archer will be released... but I don't want it :P I want a PVC's one !!! >.<
Yuuka_KazamiMMS Type TrapGhost • lv19
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13 years ago
Tohno Shiki
Lenneththe blue valkyrieGhost • lv23
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13 years ago
A figure made of Archer and Rin flying would be so so great. Make it decent sized too At least 1/8.

I would like them to make Gigamesh, Archer, Lancer and Berserker into figmas... heck every male in Fate into figmas will do. ^_^
MortelliusRegular Boarder • lv10
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13 years ago
I would like a 1/7 or 1/8 scale PVC figure of Gilgamesh, he is a very interesting character and a PVC with a good pose would be great.
DeedoRegular Boarder • lv15
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13 years ago
I wanna see Sion (or even Tatari), Kohaku/Hisui (must) Akiha (in both her normal wear, Vermilion, and school uniform) Chaos (with Neko Choas) Len/Ren (for those who knew them before the name change) Miyako, Arcueid (or even Red Arc) or Satsuki in Figma form... that would own! (I might as well just say the whole Melty Blood cast from Actress Again ><;;)

I'm not scary, i just do things most ppl don't think of...
I'm not wrong if there isn't someone there to correct me...
Man-ThingRegular Boarder • lv14
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13 years ago
As a new Tsukihime fan (I just finished playing the visual novel), I would very much like:

- A wonderful Akiha (both normal and vermillion)
- the same for Arcueid (normal and princess form)
- a Hisui


- a Shiki Tohno
- a chaos
- the two Len

and no Ciel!!!
I do no not like at all this character (but I do like her as a fighter in Melty blood)!
Minori: ...by the way, I'll poke your eyes out if you order ikki-men
Haruta: Ikki-men!
Ryuuji: Ikki-men!
Noto: Ikki-men!
jintooWhere is my mind?Very Important Boarder • lv21
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13 years ago
As I am concerned, since I saw KnK movies 4 and 5, I want a Shiki by Alter... and anticipating the 6th movie, I also want an Azaka by Alter... ONEGAI !!!
maximimonThe New Shadow EmperorRegular Boarder • lv24
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13 years ago
a Luviagelita Pvc scaled figure would be so nice ! at least 1/8 or 1/7 would be awesome!!
Man-ThingRegular Boarder • lv14
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13 years ago
I agree with Jintoo!

We need more KNK, especially Touko (Goodsmile) and Shiki (alter).
Not much a fan of Azaka.
Minori: ...by the way, I'll poke your eyes out if you order ikki-men
Haruta: Ikki-men!
Ryuuji: Ikki-men!
Noto: Ikki-men!
Tsukuyomi17Regular Boarder • lv15
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13 years ago • Updated 13 years ago
jintooAs I am concerned, since I saw KnK movies 4 and 5, I want a Shiki by Alter... and anticipating the 6th movie, I also want an Azaka by Alter... ONEGAI !!!

6th? you mean 7th right? cause 6 has been out for quite a while, the 7th one is the last one and I've been impatiently waiting for it.

I also agree with you that we need more KnK figs, I really want a Fujino by Alter or Goodsmile.
jintooWhere is my mind?Very Important Boarder • lv21
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13 years ago • Updated 13 years ago
I really wanted to say the 6th... because I haven't yet seen it. I just saw the preview at the end of the 5th movie and I saw the story was focused on Azaka (that's why I said "anticipating" :P)
Tsukuyomi17Regular Boarder • lv15
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13 years ago • Updated 13 years ago
Ah! I see what you mean.

I'm HIGHLY anticipating the 7th one. For those that watch the anime "Kämpfer" )subbed by gg-fansubs), sometimes they put commercials for fun, well at the end of episode 10 (after the preview for ep 11) they showed clips of Kara no Kyoukai 7!

I almost had a kiddy fit when I saw it, cause now I REALLY want to watch it!!
DeedoRegular Boarder • lv15
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13 years ago
Tsukuyomi17Ah! I see what you mean.

I'm HIGHLY anticipating the 7th one. For those that watch the anime "Kämpfer" )subbed by gg-fansubs), sometimes they put commercials for fun, well at the end of episode 10 (after the preview for ep 11) they showed clips of Kara no Kyoukai 7!

I almost had a kiddy fit when I saw it, cause now I REALLY want to watch it!!

As do i... Can't wait for when it comes out. ^.^

I'm not scary, i just do things most ppl don't think of...
I'm not wrong if there isn't someone there to correct me...
Tsukuyomi17Regular Boarder • lv15
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13 years ago
DeedoAs do i... Can't wait for when it comes out. ^.^

It's out! XD
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