
1/8 Juzumaru Tsunetsugu Figure Review1/8 Juzumaru Tsunetsugu Figure ReviewReview

kojuurokojuuro4 years ago

Today I'll be reviewing the 1/8 Juzumaru Tsunetsugu figure (ITEM #549349) by Orange Rouge.

After my first review a few months ago I didn't think I would write one again, but when I saw this figure I just had to do it. As always, any feedback is welcome!

Just a warning before I begin the review: THIS REVIEW IS PICTURE HEAVY so be prepared!

About the character: For those of you who don't know Touken Ranbu, Juzumaru Tsunetsugu is one of the Five Great Swords of Japan. In history, the sword was owned by the Buddhist priest Nichiren, the founder of Nichiren Buddhism so his eyes are always shut as if he’s praying.


The Box

The box is very typical of Orange Rouge’s Touken Ranbu scales, with the name of the sword printed in gold at the front of the plastic, along with their respective crest at the bottom and side. The box is a pale indigo with black, and is adorned with reflective flowers and swirls.




Of course, they don’t miss the chance to put tons of photos of him on both of the sides and back.




The inside of his box is gold, with his crest printed on it as well.


The Blister

There’s nothing super interesting about the blister. It’s a typical 2 piece blister, with a cover for the sword so it doesn’t fall out. There’s also an extra plastic piece at Juzumaru’s legs to keep him in place.



The instructions for this figure are pretty clearly lined out, in both Japanese and English. Although I ended up switching the order for the last 2 parts, since I found it easier to assemble that way.


The Base

The base is really basic, which is just black with his crest in black and gold. Unlike some other Touken Ranbu scales, Juzumaru has to use his base to keep him upright.


The Figure

Like most of the Touken Ranbu scales, they recreated his regular sprite into figure form.


I wasn’t too concerned with Orange Rouge’s quality since I have other Touken Ranbu scales by them which have been great, but was really curious to see how they tackled his massive amount of hair.

His accessories include his sword (obviously) and a long line of prayer beads.


Here's everything that he came with. As you can see, his head and neck are supported by a metal peg.


Assembling the Figure

The figure was really easy to assemble. You stand Juzumaru on his base, attach the beads to the base and connect them to the beads near his hand, and finally the sword to his finger.





I found it easier to attach the sword first before connecting the beads, but that might just be me.

Here he is fully assembled!



I personally think Juzumaru is the most intricate and beautiful of the Touken Ranbu scales released to date, but before moving onto the hair I'd like to point out some really nice detailing on this figure!

Starting at the top, we have his face and neck. Although his clothes might be considered plain, the collars for his 3 layers of clothing are faithfully reproduced.


The scarf(?) around his neck and accessories that he's wearing are small but extremely well sculpted.



He has a lotus flower motif going on, on his gloves and sword.


His long line of beads reach down to the base, while staying very uniform in shape.


His shoes while small, are detailed as well.


The Hair

Yes, his hair gets a whole section to itself because I think it's one of the most jaw-dropping hair sculpts I've ever seen. I own ITEM #256472 which I thought was impressive, but I really think this is on another level.

What I really love about Juzumaru's character design is how seamlessly his hair transitions from black to white, and how dynamic it is. I think the sculptor Sato ENTRY #88099 and the colour producer Hoshina Eimi ENTRY #72666 really did a fantastic job on him and captured it perfectly. Each strand of hair was meticulously sculpted and put into place, and the hair gradient for each strand was chosen carefully.

Without any more rambling, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves!











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If you've made it this far, thank you very much!

This figure of Juzumaru Tsunetsugu will be the final Touken Ranbu figure to enter my collection, and I couldn't be happier with him! I only hope I was able to capture a small fraction of how beautiful he truly is in person.

He was priced at around 15k which I think was quite reasonable, considering how detailed he is, although definitely a bit on the pricier end for Touken Ranbu figures.

I would wholeheartedly recommend any Touken Ranbu collector or anybody wanting something really beautiful to pick him up, since he's honestly stunning, and his price hasn't really gone up at all.

Hope you guys enjoyed my review!

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soja4 years ago#63699367Amazing review.
I actually did NOT want to buy this figure because his face was not my thing.
But now looking at your detailed pics and description, he is prettier then expected.
Now I am debating again wether to buy him or not *lol*.
Anyway, great job!!
Thank you!! Haha I'm not even sure if my pics did him justice, but if you do end up getting him, he's a real treat! :)
4 years ago
Amazing review.

I actually did NOT want to buy this figure because his face was not my thing.
But now looking at your detailed pics and description, he is prettier then expected.

Now I am debating again wether to buy him or not *lol*.

Anyway, great job!!
4 years ago
kururin4 years ago#63647013I've debated purchasing this figure since I first saw the teaser image at WonFes a year or two ago, but held off saying I'd stick to my boy Yasusada.
But, dang it, I think this review changed my mind! That hair sculpt is definitely one of the best I've seen and they did an excellent job sculpting and painting all of the details in his clothes.
I may look into purchasing this guy now, lol. Thanks for the review! :D
You're very welcome! I was honestly in awe when I saw his announcement and prototype cause I really wasn't sure that they could really pull it off. But now I'm just wondering why I even doubted OR in the first place haha. While I do think Touken Ranbu has some very nice scales, even amongst them, Juzumaru is seriously impressive!
4 years ago
Busty4 years ago#63608828What a gorgeous figure, OR did a nice job on him. Now I feel like I need to get this figure lol.They really did! I'm really glad he came out as well as he did, since especially on the male side of things, they normally don't get nearly as great and detailed as a sculpt as their female counterparts. Juzumaru is really unique in that sense I think.
4 years ago
What a gorgeous figure, OR did a nice job on him. Now I feel like I need to get this figure lol.
4 years ago
Wonder4 years ago#63582912Beautiful review!
I did always think Juzumaru's hair was unique and stunning to look at, but even after looking at the photos I was even more shocked..~
Thank you!! His hair is really something else ^^
4 years ago
Beautiful review!
I did always think Juzumaru's hair was unique and stunning to look at, but even after looking at the photos I was even more shocked..~
4 years ago

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