
✧ B-Style Bunny Tachibana Kanade by FREEing ✧✧ B-Style Bunny Tachibana Kanade by FREEing ✧Review

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OrekiHoutarouOrekiHoutarou1 year ago
✧ B-Style Bunny Tachibana Kanade by FREEing ✧

Welcome to my first ever review.
Since this will be my first time writing one, I can't promise that it'll be perfect. Nonetheless, I'll try my best.

First of all - a big disclaimer
I will not try to talk this figure pretty, nor unnecessarily bad.
I will talk completely open and honest about the up and down sides of this figure and what it means to own her. So if that's a problem for you, I kindly recommend to not read any further.
Also, I'd like to mention that my take on this figure will for the most part be comedic, since it's the best way to present View spoilerHide spoilerjokesher.
Not to forget how picture heavy this review will be.

With that being said, shall we begin?

✧ Shipping & Packaging ✧
I pre-ordered her of off CDJapan for around 180€ and later on shipped her with EMS for around 40€. After she arrived in my country, she was sent to me via DHL Express. I had a really hard time actually receiving her, since their customer service is a nightmare. But after days of waiting and after I had to pay 70€ shipping taxes View spoilerHide spoiler(yikes)https://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2021/09/20/2858435.png, I finally got her.
Little did I know.
View spoilerHide spoilertl;dr
Figure - 180€
Shipping - 40€
Shipping tax - 70€
Total - 290€

Her box is really big - which can obviously be expected from a figure of this size. It's quite heavy and pretty sturdy. It has no windows to protect the figure itself and the box comes wrapped around in white tissue-like paper.
The sky print on the box is quite fitting, especially with the feathers and the gold print. Even though I don't understand why they added bubbles (which can be found on the inside as well).

View spoilerHide spoilerI might have forgotten to photograph the bottom of the box. It's not worth mentioning though. It's just blue.
It's almost impossible to open the blister, since it's such a tight fit.

✧ Base ✧
She comes like most of bunnies with a round white base and also a foot support that goes underneath her heel.

✧ Sculpting & Painting ✧
Let's start with what greeted me after finally managing to open the blister;
I immediately noticed the paint job on her hair, but more about that in a second.

Like all the newer bunnies, she comes with those chopped off white placeholder bunny ears.
Ironically, mine had a paint error. Though they're entirely made of that white material.
It's not really important, since they are just placeholders, but definitely a foreshadowing of what was awaiting me later on.

View spoilerHide spoilerWithout her bunny ears;

Let's move to her actual bunny ears;
The paint job on them is just fine, it matches the suit and they are a good fit for the holes. However the shading is a bit weak - in the front basically non-existent - and also kind off weirdly placed.

Our next stop will be her hair;
It appears to be just fine.


They really put effort into blending those in!

The strand on her hand looks extremely awkward and the strand on the right is obviously not supposed to be there. It's a common problem with this figure.
View spoilerHide spoilerhttps://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2021/10/19/2887477.jpeg
I tried to heat bend it and now I live in constant fear the strand could just break off.

Sadly there are more weirdly formed strands;

And if the questionable sculpting wasn't enough;
View spoilerHide spoilerNot a fan of flashlight pics, but it shows off the point job perfectly;

Her hair is so incredibly crusty and full of bumps. I'm speechless. This is a ¥28k figure.

This for example is a ¥400 gashapon from 2011. If she's crusty, that's still not cool, but understandable considering her price point.
But do know what is not fine? That there is such an issue with a ¥28k figure from 2021.

On top of that, there's also a tiny hair/dust in the plastic.
View spoilerHide spoilerIt's not the last time we're gonna see this.

Also, does this remind you of something?

Onto the face;
Her face is one of the worst parts of this figure.
Not only does it look nothing like the prototype, but it looks nothing like Kanade.
Her eyes are way too high.
You can clearly see in the sculpt that they were supposed to be lower.
View spoilerHide spoilerhttps://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2021/10/19/2887484.jpeg


But wait, there's even more about her eyes. Not only are they misplaced, but also pixelated and asymmetrical!

Mine also got a paint error in her left eye;

I have no idea who made these eyes, but they sure had no idea what they were doing.
Here's a small comparison of all the Kanade's;
None of these look like this figure.

View spoilerHide spoilerNot gonna lie, I'm tired of talking about her and you are probably tired of me complaining. And there's still a lot to go. Wish us both good luck.https://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2021/09/22/2859656.png

What even is this ear?
I mean, seriously. Why is it s o big?
I'm pretty sure I pre-ordered Kanade, not Dumbo.

Her Suit;
The color differs a lot from the prototype.
It's really shiny, that makes her super cheap looking, instead of the wished pearlescent effect.
Also the "shading" looks like someone just had a little fun with their new airbrush. Nothing is defined. It looks random at best.

Maybe it's just me, but I have no idea why there is so much space there???

The suit wouldn't be complete without some issues;
We got stains, dust, bubbles in the paint. Whatever you want or need - Kanade is providing it.

Now we can talk about the most decent part of this figure - her back;
Her fluffy tail looks honestly super cute. I love it.

....yet there has to be something that ruins it;
More dust in the plastic.
Just why.

Her stockings are looking good overall.
...except for the fringing fabric.
...and this white whatever it is?

The heels look nice too.
....except for one of the holes. It reminds me of a bootleg.

Her right arm;
It completely lost it's dynamic and looks rather awkward.

Also her hands;
Both of them look completely different and her nails - horrendous.
I've got no idea why her pinky finger is so small.

Drumroll please.....
The hand in the bust area;
That one gives me nightmares. Not only are the fingers way too long, but it's awful sculpt is beyond words.
My favorite part;
They even added a tasty little hair to her nail polish!


Why is there so much space?

Quality control at it's finest;

FREEing be like:

Not to forget this lovely piece;
It's the awful paint job for me.

✧ Conclusion ✧
If someone would seriously ask me if they should buy this figure after reading and seeing all this stuff here, I would be offended. This figure is just one of the many, many disappointments Angel Beats! has. Not only is the quality a joke, but also the price. And people know that, which is why even after a month of the release you can still order her from GSC. Why she's being sold for so much less than the actual price and why nobody is talking about her. She's worth nothing. The only thing that speaks for her would be her height, but does that makes her pretty? I don't think so.
And of course you could say that it's just my Kanade that looks bad, but uhm, before you do that, please do your research.
I simply stated facts.

I also would've loved to see her holding mapo tofu or have at least small wings, since this figure is lacking any kind of personality.
You can tell that this was simply a cash grab and for the first time, I'm not upset that there's no Yuri.

If you really want to invest in a high quality Angel Beats! scale, just buy the broccoli one or the ones from GSC, but not this. I'm begging you.
View spoilerHide spoiler
ITEM #331648
ITEM #615800
ITEM #105081
ITEM #42033

And honestly, I would sell her immediately if I could. But silly me decided to want to have the biggest AB! collection with all of it's figures, ha ha. Lucky me.

At least she does look "fine" from a certain distance;
Or my sight is just too bad.
View spoilerHide spoilerI literally need glasses.

The nightmare twins;
Both of them have the same sculptor. Both of them look awful. Coincidence?
I feel deeply sorry for everyone that wasn't able to cancel those two in time.

Anyway, thanks for sticking around with me for so long. It's been a ride. I hope you could enjoy this "review".

See ya.

I'm a bit slow in terms of answering, but I appreciate every single comment! I will get to them as soon as possible!

View spoilerHide spoilerP.S. Kanade is one of my least favorite characters from the franchise. So please don't make assumptions based on my "setup".

I forgot to mention that she smells. Don't ask me why, she simply does. Just like a bootleg.

Small update:
I contacted GSC and they told me I'll get a replacement! Let's hope for the best.

BLOG #51586

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Is this a buy or a pass for you? Votes are public

83 votes


I saw her recently going for extremely cheap, and being an Angel Beats fan I wanted to snag her. Luckily I decided to wait for a few days and to check around and thankfully, I found your review. No wonder nobody was rushing.
1 year ago
Firecracker20221 year ago#106569038Wow. Excellent review with a lot of details. It reminds me that 155000 YEN Rem who has fingers all glued together.
Thank you very much!
Most figures these days are just awful. The quality is constantly decreasing with a few exceptions, while the prices are increasing. Unbelievable.
1 year ago
Wow. Excellent review with a lot of details. It reminds me that 155000 YEN Rem who has fingers all glued together.
1 year ago
Psycosaiyan1 year ago#104449505After reading this I’ve a genuine concern about the QC of other bunnies or even the rest of FREEing newer releases.
More than understandable.
The quality of most figures lately is just awful with only a few exceptions. It's concerning.
1 year ago
After reading this I’ve a genuine concern about the QC of other bunnies or even the rest of FREEing newer releases.
1 year ago
After reading this I’ve a genuine concern about the QC of other bunnies or even the rest of FREEing newer releases.
1 year ago
Coconutty931 year ago#104264348This was incredibly eye opening for me, thank you! I've been buying bunnies left and right because their stock photos look good. I'll have to be more careful going forward considering how expensive they are...
I'm glad that I could prevent you from wasting your money! It definitely is a shame that she turned out like this, but there are luckily enough alternatives. :')

Always look for pics of the actual product, it's really important!
1 year ago
Coconutty93 Moe enthusiast
This was incredibly eye opening for me, thank you! I've been buying bunnies left and right because their stock photos look good. I'll have to be more careful going forward considering how expensive they are...
1 year ago
thanks for the review. Very well done. Seems like she hasn't had much luck with figures.
1 year ago
OrekiHoutarou1 year ago#102651657View spoilerHide spoiler
It's unbelievable how much the quality in figures decreased over the past few years. Yet, they really have the audacity to raise their prices. For what?

so true ! really..i have a problem with my x-10 bunny she have 2 places at the hat what the colour is missing, also a line at the hairs colour is missing again...some clumps in the hairs and and. i contacted gsc for a replacement, i have no problems, if i send this one back and they send me a new one, but they just wrote me back the figures are handmade we dont offer you a replacement..like wtf? whats handmade about it when colour is missing ?? i am really angry about this !
1 year ago