
Questions about the MFC community for a school project!Questions about the MFC community for a school project!Polls

rankedirlrankedirl1 year ago
Hi everyone! I have an assignment to make an essay about a community I'm a part of, and I chose this one! If you'd like to help me out and give me your input, I would really appreciate it!

1. Tell us a little bit about your collecting. What figures do you collect? How long have you been collecting? How many figures do you have?

2. What does figure collecting mean to you? (Why do you enjoy it, what makes it special, etc.)

3. What does the MFC community mean to you?

4. How do you participate in the MFC community? (Clubs, photography, articles, moderation, database contribution, etc.)

Thank you so much!
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Rajke Ca Fanatic
Somewhat late but hope it is still useful for your essay.

1. Tell us a little bit about your collecting. What figures do you collect? How long have you been collecting? How many figures do you have?

In the beginning everything I liked. Now is the focus more on YUGIOH and Nintendo related figures. I stopped counting my figures so I really don’t know how many I own.

2. What does figure collecting mean to you? (Why do you enjoy it, what makes it special, etc.)

At start figure collection was the most important thing I did. I have a weak spot for YuGiOh and maked it my main focus of collecting. What I like more is the DIY part of the hobby. There is so much that you can make for figures.

3. What does the MFC community mean to you?

I am not that active anymore on MFC. But I do have some friends around here that are precious to me.

4. How do you participate in the MFC community? (Clubs, photography, articles, moderation, database contribution, etc.)

Currently a lot from the background. I used to make articles and when the time comes I will do that again. I am still active in the DIY part of MFC.
1 year ago
1. Tell us a little bit about your collecting. What figures do you collect? How long have you been collecting? How many figures do you have?

I've been collecting since roughly before 2017 (my earliest picture of my colelction is dated that, but I've collected for a bit longer than that), and I mostly collect nendoroids for series I enjoy. I'm close to hitting triple digits with figures, but plan on selling a few for space and enjoyment reasons.

2. What does figure collecting mean to you? (Why do you enjoy it, what makes it special, etc.)

It makes me happy. I enjoy seeing characters I love in my living space, and I've been wanting to photograph them for awhile. Posing them in a joy for me.

3. What does the MFC community mean to you?

Not much, honestly. I don't really interact with people much on here, and mostly lurk. I love looking at the photographs people have taken.

4. How do you participate in the MFC community? (Clubs, photography, articles, moderation, database contribution, etc.)

I'm in some clubs but don't do anything there. It's mostly for tracking purposes.
1 year ago
1. Tell us a little bit about your collecting. What figures do you collect? How long have you been collecting? How many figures do you have?

I've been collecting since 2012, although I kinda started in 2005. I only collect scales and prizes, because I've had bad experiences with jointed figures, namely the Myth Cloths and the infamous v3 body. As of now, I have 31 figures.

2. What does figure collecting mean to you? (Why do you enjoy it, what makes it special, etc.)

I view figure collecting as a way of "paying tribute" to characters I like from series I like, with figures acting as "tokens". I enjoy it since I generally buy figures once in a blue moon, but like a lot of people here I guess, the surge of prices of the recent years, only "worsened" by Covid, kinda lowers my appreciation if this rich man's hobby.

3. What does the MFC community mean to you?

Pretty simple, it's mainly a nice place to talk about figures, with an overall nice community and colirful personalities, although like in every community, there are a few black sheep, I guess.

4. How do you participate in the MFC community? (Clubs, photography, articles, moderation, database contribution, etc.)

My contribution are humble: I regularly post on blogs and figure pages and uploads pictures I take once in a blue moon.
1 year ago
1. I started collecting about 7 months ago. I've been into anime for about 8 years now and by being in the anime community I always saw and wanted to buy figures, but since I was young, still in school, and didn't have a job I couldn't. I took a gap year in 2020 because of the pandemic and got a job and started earning my own income. One day I was scrolling through social media and saw a figure and it hit me that I could buy it. I started watching figure content on youtube, made a myfigurecollection account, and I just dived head-first into this hobby. I have 27 figures now with many more on the way. I collect mostly nendoroids and scale figures and some prize figures.

2. I collect figures for the same reason I collect art prints and enamel pins, I want to have and be surrounded by pieces of art. I see figures as art and those figures being of characters and series I like are a plus.

3. MFC has been a great source of information for figure collecting because of the database and the by reading articles and comments I've learned so much about figures and figure collecting, it's been a huge help.

4.I mostly engage by reading and creating articles. Its fun read what others think about topics.
1 year ago
1. Tell us a little bit about your collecting. What figures do you collect? How long have you been collecting? How many figures do you have?
I started in 2007, I collect action figures. mainly anime and tokusatsu ones. says I own 391 items.
mostly SHF, figma, SAS, some revoltech and whatnot.
2. What does figure collecting mean to you? (Why do you enjoy it, what makes it special, etc.)
it means a lot of headache honestly. over the years all the fun got replaced with annoyance. all the postal fees, waiting times, preorders far in the future, VAT, customs, insane price hike. figma used to be 2500 yen, now it's 8500. the figures are a physical representation of something I love. in the end they are trophies I put on a shelf.
it never brought me happiness to collect, only excitement. but I refuse to impulse buy.
3. What does the MFC community mean to you?
not much, I made some friends, but overall this isn't a place to socialize.
4. How do you participate in the MFC community? (Clubs, photography, articles, moderation, database contribution, etc.)
I reply to topics like this. mostly.
1 year ago
Xanthosen Functional Psychopath
1. Tell us a little bit about your collecting. What figures do you collect? How long have you been collecting? How many figures do you have?

About a couple of years ago, I accidentally found this hobby of figure collecting while browsing an app that I primarily use for games' apks for different server regions (QooApp). It was only a $5 discount coupon for any purchase in TOM website, but that legit sold me. Currently, I have 7 in my collection, and 8 on pre-order. One of them is Belfast Pledge of Claddagh 1/7 scale figure, but it is not in this website's database, so there is a mismatch on the numbers on my profile. I have a rule where I only collect 1/7 scale figures and nendos. Most of them are characters from games and animes that I really like.

2. What does figure collecting mean to you? (Why do you enjoy it, what makes it special, etc.)

Happiness. It is somewhat a mixed feeling. Was actually very skeptical on spending serious amount of money on "non-functional objects". I even considered to stop after a couple of figures and nendos. However, gradually I began to appreciate the idea of "art" after my collection grew. I cannot elaborate much as I am no good at juggling words and not a well-spoken person, but I came to a conclusion where "if it has no purpose, then it is an art". Somehow, having a collection gives me a feeling of fulfillment and content. A dopamine boost or a dose of happiness if you prefer.

3. What does the MFC community mean to you?

A place to exchange ideas and opinions of certain products on certain common grounds. Pretty chill too. I mostly use it to keep track and organize my collection.

4. How do you participate in the MFC community? (Clubs, photography, articles, moderation, database contribution, etc.)

So far, just commenting on articles. I have no skills whatsoever in photography, sorting database, being the first to get the latest info, being a mod, and so on.

That's all from me. Good luck on your assignment! It's fun to read what others think too.
Anyway, take care y'all!
1 year ago
1.) I started collecting around 2007-2008 when I was a sophomore in high school. I started with small and affordable trading figures of my favorite characters but within the past 3 years or so I've branched out and have gotten into Nendoroids and some scale (1/4-1/7) figures. It went from being a small hobby of collecting character knickknacks to curating a full-blown figure collection of around 290(ish) figures.

2.) I think figure collecting is something nostalgic for me because I connect it with the happiness I felt when I was younger getting action figures as presents. I've always loved dolls and figurines so this is just a different venue for that interest. I enjoy the amount of creativity this hobby inspires as well as the sense of niche community.

3.) MFC community provides an outlet to connect with other people around the world with similar interests as mine. It's a great resource to learn more about the hobby/products and to get a feel for others opinions on the industry.

4.) I personally just like commenting on entries and forum threads and updating my personal lists. I'm apart of another figure collecting community where I'm more involved in the photography aspect of the hobby and share there.
1 year ago
Thank you so much to everyone who's commenting!!!
1 year ago
OnePixel Power of God & Anime on My Side
1. What figures do you collect? How long have you been collecting? How many figures do you have?
Nothing in particular, But if I had to pick certain themes/Franchises I collect, Gurren Lagann, Legend of Zelda, Megaman (the Megaman Zero series being my favorite), Ghost in the Shell, and Evangelion.

2. What does figure collecting mean to you? (Why do you enjoy it, what makes it special, etc.)
It's just a way to physically display one of my interests.

3. What does the MFC community mean to you?
Apart from a few users I've messaged, I don't really know anyone on here, to say there's an established relationship would be lying. I do appreciate the content provided by the community, such as photoshoots, articles, and item entrees, but nothing deeper.

4. How do you participate in the MFC community? (Clubs, photography, articles, moderation, database contribution, etc.)

I don't participate much, but there are a few photoshoot projects I have planned as I wanted to explore a slightly different approach to figure photography, but I have yet to start on them just yet.
1 year ago
1. Tell us a little bit about your collecting. What figures do you collect? How long have you been collecting? How many figures do you have?
I tend to collect figures of characters that I really adore, and as a lesbian this tends to skew more into the cute/sexy/otherwise attractive (via looks/personality/etc.) female side of things (not saying people only like characters due to their personal sexuality, just how it is for me).
I've been collecting figures since I was about... ooh, I think 13 or 14? Maybe younger? But I was waaaaay too young to treat them with the care they deserved then. I broke my first and second Figmas by accident. I am currently 21, so about a decade or less.
MFC says I own 109 figures. That's a lot more than I thought.

2. What does figure collecting mean to you? (Why do you enjoy it, what makes it special, etc.)
Honestly, it's a way for me to enjoy my interests even more thoroughly. As someone with autism and therefore hyperfixation, few things make me happier than being able to fully indulge in said hyperfixations. Being able to be surrounded by figures, and being able to look at them and feel happy every time I see them, is just bliss. (This goes for other merch too. My personal favourite is plushes because I get even more happiness from hugging them, but that's not too feasible with figures.)

3. What does the MFC community mean to you?

Honestly, a place where we can share our happiness and air our grievances together, and be super supportive of each other. Even if our opinions differ, I don't think I've ever seen name calling or other similar things, instead I usually see a respectful debate or explanation of why someone feels that way, and often it's resolved in peaceful agree to disagree ways.

4. How do you participate in the MFC community? (Clubs, photography, articles, moderation, database contribution, etc.)
Mostly commenting on articles like this one, but I sometimes post my own articles. I also want to get back into posting reviews but I haven't bought much in a while due to university. The stuff I have bought has been second hand and plushes, so I dunno how interesting that'd be for reviews.
1 year ago

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