
We All Have Roles to Play: Drop-down Tabs (Companies)We All Have Roles to Play: Drop-down Tabs (Companies)Tutorial

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DKWorksDKWorks1 year ago
Are you having trouble determining how an entry is involved in making merchandise? Feeling lost after seeing conflicting proof? Here is your guide in MFC on role-playing for companies.

Manufacturer - Uses raw materials and parts to assemble finished goods. Manufacturers can choose to sell their products directly to consumers, to other manufacturers, to distributors or to wholesalers.
(Applies to Figures, Goods)

Circle - A group which creates doujinshi, doujin goods, or garage kits. The term "group" can be misleading since circles can consist of only one member.
(Applies to GKs, Doujin Goods, Doujinshi)

Publisher - Prepares and issues books, music, or other media for sale.
(Applies to Print Media, Games, BD/DVD, Music CDs)

Label - Publishes brands of music recordings, music videos, and video discs.
(Applies to Music CDs, BD/DVD for TV networks)

Anim. Producer - A company that works with a studio or agency to coordinate the production of animated media.
(Applies to BD/DVD)

Developer - A software developer specializing in video game development, the process and related disciplines of creating video games.
(Applies to Games)

Distributor - A party that actually does the selling and makes the products created by the Manufacturer/Publisher available to the marketplace.
(Applies to Bonus or Exclusive goods for Stores & magazines)

Producer - A company that oversees managing a facility and business opportunities for a post-production house, whether it is in editing, visual effects, color, or sound.
(Applies to BD/DVD for misc. roles)

Copyright holder - TBA

What if a Company holds more than one role for an item?
Developer instead of Publisher (for games)
Manufacturer instead of Distributor (for bonus goods)

I can't find the Manufacturer for goods sold at a publisher event (ex. MF Bunko J Gakuen-sai, Fujimi Shobo Fantasia). What should I do?
For the time being, label the publishing company as the Manufacturer.

Is there a list of Manufacturers contracted with these companies I can refer to?
There will be a stickied thread or single closed post coming soon.

Why are companies credited as Publisher instead of Label for older music CDs (see vgmdb.net)?
It is what it is.

Why didn't you talk about Copyright?
That will be its own article.

You missed mentioning [X] or you got [Y] incorrectly.
Details and application of these roles is pending, and will be finalized post-public reception. If there's any questions or information I've overlooked, please PM me.
1,514 hits • 17 likes5 comments


tharglet Code Wrangler
Some figures have a company in the 'producer' role when there's a company involved, but not in the manufacturing or distribution (e.g. they'll produce the prototype but then farm off the manufacture off to another company). I know there are some,but can't think of an example off the top of my head. If I remember one I'll provide a link.
1 year ago
PeachyKirby The Cyberpunk Collector
i like how the copyright holder is just in limbo lmaooo
1 year ago
I don't know if this is bad timing or not considering the articles we've been seeing this week and the responses to it
1 year ago
"Manufacturer - Uses raw materials and parts to assemble finished goods."

reading this with mfc's current jp/cn manufacturer drama:
1 year ago
Well, thank you for the guide! I’ll definitely use this next time I add an entry to the database.
1 year ago

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