
Nendoroid and Garage Kit loot! Yu-Gi-Oh! + Silent Hill + Booth !Nendoroid and Garage Kit loot! Yu-Gi-Oh! + Silent Hill + Booth !Loot

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MaakieMaakie1 month ago
Welcome to another loot blog! The package I received and will unpack here has the following contents:
x Silent Hill Nendoroids pre-order
x Yu-Gi-Oh! Nendoroid pre-order
x Garage Kits from Booth

The box


The box was quite a bit smaller than I was expecting for the amount of loot inside! There were also again the mysterious 'z' or 'n' markers all over the box, which also happened with some of my earlier shipments. I have no clue if my customs have been doing this or my proxy, but it's odd.


I was surprised to find a flyer from the figure manufacturer Wanderer ENTRY #154400 inside. I guess it came with one of the pre-ordered Nendoroids.


The front of the flyer shows two upcoming and one released figure: Two characters from Girls Frontline ITEM #806419 & ITEM #806418 (seems like these had big delays from their original release dates mentioned) and one figure from Yurucamp ITEM #898545 .


The back shows an illustration of their adorable mascot and visiting info for their store. I am impressed that this relatively new brand has an actual walk-in store where you can also see their prototypes on display. It seems like the actual work-office is attached to/behind the storefront.

All the loot


Three Nendoroids (my biggest Nendo haul in a long time) and a pile of Garage Kits!

Silent Hill


First up to unpack: My pre-orders of the Robbie The Rabbit Nendoroids! Blue ITEM #1448961 and Pink ITEM #1448959 versions. At first I only ordered the Pink one, but some months later I told myself I needed to have them as a pair and ordered the Blue one too.

I started with unpacking the Pink one:





There is a very good all-around pattern on the box.


The amount of parts Robbie comes with is quite minimal, which was definitely a factor in a lot of people skipping on ordering him. Me however, I am just used to everything Silent Hill being overpriced and going even more wild on the aftermarket, so I just gave in by pre-ordering. It seems like stores are already selling used ones for 1-2K yen more than the release price.


He comes with the main body, additional torso with no blood, two additional arms with peg slots to hold the weapons, additional mouth with no blood, a pipe, a chainsaw and the standard Nendoroid base with back peg.

As you can now see in this picture, the figure has flocking on all non-clothes parts and feels super soft! It does make me worry a bit for the flocking to wear out/go flat over time, though.


I think Robbie's feet are just hilarious in figure form. Little fuzzy stompers.


First a short display of cute Robbie. The Nendoroid box also came with an insert of the famous Silent Hill 3 carousel. Unfortunately the image is quite low res.

I really like how accurate the design of this character is in Nendoroid form.


And now for the Robbie design you all came here for! "Oh boy here I go killing again!"



I can't get over how cute his profile looks! With the chubby cheeks.



I love that they included the zipper at the back (implying it could be a human in a mascot suit) and of course the fuzzy tail.

And now for Blue Robbie:





Is it just me or does the blue one look more cute and innocent always? Or maybe it's because I am so used to seeing the pink one.


Blue comes with very similar parts, except for the two weapons being swapped out for a wooden stick and a portable circular saw.



I just love to pose them with one leg out! It's so cute! Look at those tiny toe nails!


And here they are together!



Probably making up some bad plans...



And now for my other Nendoroid pre-order: Yami Bakura ITEM #1464676 ! This figure was an completely out-of-nowhere announcement. I would have thought they rather made Yami Malik or someone from the main group of friends like Jounouchi, but here we are. I'm not complaining though, I love Bakura! As it's so surprising I can only think that voting or marketing research showing Bakura fangirls wanting more made this figure happen.



The famous eyeball-licking scene...can't believe the madlads at GSC included this!



Here are all his parts. Not a huge amount, but at least not as bare bones as other recent Nendoroid releases.


Overall I can't find any flaws on my copy of this figure (except for some tiny tiny paint nitpicks), my only complaint is that the peg at the back has a really hard time staying in.


The Millennium Ring looks great in tiny format!



The Duel Disk can actually flip because of a joint, very cool!


The only part that worries me when it comes to the duel disk is how it attaches to his arm. As it's made of hard plastic getting stretched when putting the disk on, I can imagine it getting small breakages over time just like a bunch of old toys I have with a similar way of connecting pieces.


The back peg needs to be put in quite an awkward pose to properly hold the figure, it also will fall out of the back at the slightest touch. Definitely one of those Nendoroids of 'pose once, never touch again'.



He can hold a set of cards in his little stubby hand. There is no back print on the cards.


The paint on his shirt isn't ~perfect~, but I am willing to accept this considering how small he is and how it's still a miracle this character got a Nendoroid.



Holding a card and drawing a card - evil laughter version.



However amazing the other faces and poses are, I really wanted to display him with the eyeball-scene as no other Bakura collectible has this.

Booth Garage kit loot

Next up was an order from multiple different artists on Booth, which is kind of like a Japanese Etsy. Artists can sell their goods there and quite a lot of Garage Kit makers sell their resin casted or 3D printed pieces on it.


First up is Original Character MP-03 Astra made by Poritive ITEM #1570357 . I love chunky legs and cute animal-like designs, so I couldn't resist this one.



The kit comes with a thank you-note and an instruction booklet.


Also included are three stickers of the Melty Pop line.

Contents of the booklet:





A super cute booklet also mentioning the backstory of the characters in the Melty Pop line.

And now for the kit itself:


Fully 3D printed, I'll have to cut away a lot of support rods!


Cute face!


And great chunky legs, also the biggest part of the figure...haha!


Next kit: Original Character Umiushi-chan (sea slug personification) by Ambivalent ITEM #1610824 . These kind of sea slugs are adorable and to have a moefied version of one? Amazing!


Instruction sheet, a lot more tiny parts than I expected, welp.


Reference picture. I am not sure if I will keep the exact same color palette, but for sure I will make the jacket in a metallic color.



This kit is also 3D printed and oh gosh I don't want to think right now about having to cut and sand all these tiny parts aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.


The jacket is looking super cool, though! Eventually I will be motivated to make this one, but not for a while.


Next up are two very similar kits from Fullscale: Shioiri Mii regular version ITEM #1551442 and her Shouakuma version ITEM #1551449 (which comes with additional devil parts). One of them is going to be a commission for a friend and the other one I might keep myself. I couldn't resist the low sales price for such a cute design in the current nowadays market. Although I am considering selling the regular version ITEM #1551442 so I can instead buy the new bunny swimsuit version ITEM #1716114 .


Happily surprised to see both of them coming with a base and support peg.


The casting of this one looks really nice too! Should be minimal prep work.


And now for the last, but definitely not least kit of the loot: Original Character Hole Star (Meteko) made by Kogose ITEM #1642096 . The character design looked so unique and cool and the figure was very affordable too.


The figure is either fully 3D printed or the main parts are a resin cast with the accessories being 3D printed. It's funny to see this figure coming in the same bag as the fullscale ones. I guess these kind of food sealer packaging are a good and safe way to store and sell your figures in?

The complete loot


In every picture I talk about the items from top to bottom, left to right.

All Silent Hill items:
- Silent Hill 3 - Robbie The Rabbit - Nendoroid (#1811b) - Blue (Good Smile Company) ITEM #1448961
- Silent Hill 3 - Robbie The Rabbit - Nendoroid (#1811a) - Pink (Good Smile Company) ITEM #1448959

All Yu-Gi-Oh! items:
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters - Yami Bakura - Nendoroid (#1863) (Good Smile Company) ITEM #1464676

All Booth Garage kit items:
- Original Character - MP-03 - Astra (Poritive) ITEM #1570357
- Original Character - Umiushi-chan (Ambivalent) ITEM #1610824
- Original Character - Shioiri Mii (Fullscale) ITEM #1551442
- Original Character - Shioiri Mii - Shouakuma ver. (Fullscale) ITEM #1551449
- Original Character - Hole Star (Meteko) (Kogose) ITEM #1642096

Updated display shelves

With all the newly received items, here is how I added them to my existing shelves!



Little Robbies on my nostalgic gaming shelf.


It's also time to appreciate my Bubble Head Nurse Figma again.



Love them! And would definitely buy more if GSC releases other colors as well.


For Nendoroid Bakura the most fitting spot was putting him at the feet of his scaled figure.




Love it! A great way to fill the space in this shelf! Now for Atem or Malik a Nendoroid next please...

The garage kits were stacked in a bookcase on my 'to make'-pile.

Thank you for reading this blog

I hope you enjoyed this blog, you could also check my other loot blogs! Here are some of my recent ones:

HUGE Loot! Model + Garage Kit, Dorohedoro, Baccano!, Danganronpa: BLOG #57542
Huge loot! Queen's Blade Dorohedoro POP Electromagneticwave more BLOG #56781
Loot! Dorohedoro, Hideyoshi and Hello Kitty! to Issho: BLOG #56133
Big loot! - Garage Kits, Baccano! and Strike Witches items!: BLOG #56076
Random buys, gifts and diary loot! March - June 2022: BLOG #55096

All pictures in high resolution can be found here: profile/Maakie/...

And if you like my articles and would like to receive e-mail updates when I have a new one, you can subscribe to my blog on MFC! --> profile/Maakie/...

See you at my next blog!
519 hits • 5 likes14 comments


Maakie6 days ago#125475618Just came across this, your Jounouchi 'Nendoroid' :DDD ITEM #1897706
Lollll that's cute for sure!!
1 day ago
Tjilp29 days ago#124586664Ahh if there will ever be a Jounouchi nendo I would smack that pre order button so fast xD I wish!!

Just came across this, your Jounouchi 'Nendoroid' :DDD ITEM #1897706
6 days ago
Tjilp29 days ago#124586664Such a great loot! I love seeing all those kits, they're all so unique and I don't know that much about them so I really like seeing all the pictures :D
It's kind of interesting they left the support rods on... it'd be less packing space if they'd just crudely cut them off. I wonder why they didn't.
And Bakura nendo is so adorbsss he's so cool!!! Ahh if there will ever be a Jounouchi nendo I would smack that pre order button so fast xD I wish!!
Thanks for the lovely read :D

There are so many great OC kits when browsing Booth! I recently got tempted to buy a couple again but I am telling myself to hold back until I have worked through more of my kit backlog. With licensed character kits there is more of a feeling of rush or limited release, but a lot of OC kits are print-to-order.

I think they are also more sturdy if you keep the support rods on there? If the box gets shaken during transport?

I have no clue what is going on with YGO Nendoroids, they release very sporadically and with strange character choices rather than the line going first through all the main characters like how Kotobukiya was releasing their scaleds in the past. It has been a long silence since Bakura as well, at least for DM Nendo's, they did announce ones for GX and 5D's, but I never got into those shows.

Thank you! <3

Dr_Oru29 days ago#124588055Yeah, the changes aren't too big on her so it does seem passable. Though I could see, were there bigger ones like with the swimsuit, it feeling like those Pop mart collectibles where people gotta have the full sets.
Apologies for the lack of knowledge. Still hope you can manage the trade though, specially since it is within the same kind of product "line" of just having her with variations, maybe ;;;
That slug looks like a 420 induced hallucination of a cow AHAHAHA A super lovable cow still~
Pretty sure the first time coming into contact with the bunny type slugs was via gashapon toys (and that one pokemon). They really love that one over there. But there are so many different and super fascinating ones, you'd never even think they are slugs to begin with. The sea is one heck of an amazing and absolutely terrifying place.

Oof, I sometimes get tempted by Pop Mart releases, but I am holding back because it's worse than trading figure hell (which I was into for a while as well).

No apology needed! I did ask a friend in Germany if he maybe wants to put out some ads for her locally as the market for GK's there seems to be one of the bigger ones in Europe. But OC GK's are less sought after than licensed character GK's. Otherwise my plan is to assemble her and see if someone wants to buy her afterwards.

Lmaooo yeah I also was not believing what I saw the first time I saw a picture of that one hahaha. I personally love a lot of things related to the sea and watch quite a lot of documentaries about sea life and underwater happenings. Even then it was only 10 years ago or so that I saw these slugs for the first time!
6 days ago
Maakie29 days ago#124551042Could be hahaha...or maybe the color pink having more of a feeling of innocence?
There's nowadays even 4 version of this character out there...but at least the 4th one ITEM #1864651 , while cute, is similar enough to the 2 I have that I don't feel tempted to get it. It's interesting to see how a sculptor keeps on making variations and improvements to the same design though!
GK selling/trading is in my experience so far very hard (it's like a niche within a niche hobby). But I've just left a comment on the kits MFC page, maybe someone will reply one day. :')
Yeahh!!! Although I do think I have a favorite, the green leaf-like ones with the tiny eyes and blush on their cheeks. View spoilerHide spoiler
I've seen gashapon toys from Japanese brands before with slugs. I totally don't have a spot here to display such things, but I'm getting tempted again haha.
Yeah, the changes aren't too big on her so it does seem passable. Though I could see, were there bigger ones like with the swimsuit, it feeling like those Pop mart collectibles where people gotta have the full sets.

Apologies for the lack of knowledge. Still hope you can manage the trade though, specially since it is within the same kind of product "line" of just having her with variations, maybe ;;;

That slug looks like a 420 induced hallucination of a cow AHAHAHA A super lovable cow still~
Pretty sure the first time coming into contact with the bunny type slugs was via gashapon toys (and that one pokemon). They really love that one over there. But there are so many different and super fascinating ones, you'd never even think they are slugs to begin with. The sea is one heck of an amazing and absolutely terrifying place.
29 days ago
Dr_Oru1 month ago#124538629Very cool loot!
Robbie flocked are really cute though gotta disagree, personally seems slightly more unhinged in blue aha.trap the cat

The kits are all very interesting looking, specially Hole Star. For the Shiori Mii, the swimsuit version also tickles my fancy better, but both are cute regardless which you end up settling with.

I have same idea with ya.
29 days ago
Such a great loot! I love seeing all those kits, they're all so unique and I don't know that much about them so I really like seeing all the pictures :D
It's kind of interesting they left the support rods on... it'd be less packing space if they'd just crudely cut them off. I wonder why they didn't.

And Bakura nendo is so adorbsss he's so cool!!! Ahh if there will ever be a Jounouchi nendo I would smack that pre order button so fast xD I wish!!

Thanks for the lovely read :D
29 days ago
Dr_Oru1 month ago#124548416Maybe it is the familiarity that makes it feel safer here? x)
Ouch, that timing gotta hurt... Obviously, three so similar is a bit too much, at least in terms of motivation but hopefully things work out. Maybe there might even be someone willing to trade gks?
Also, unrelated but sea slugs are adorbs, so hard to pick a favorite!

Could be hahaha...or maybe the color pink having more of a feeling of innocence?

There's nowadays even 4 version of this character out there...but at least the 4th one ITEM #1864651 , while cute, is similar enough to the 2 I have that I don't feel tempted to get it. It's interesting to see how a sculptor keeps on making variations and improvements to the same design though!

GK selling/trading is in my experience so far very hard (it's like a niche within a niche hobby). But I've just left a comment on the kits MFC page, maybe someone will reply one day. :')

Yeahh!!! Although I do think I have a favorite, the green leaf-like ones with the tiny eyes and blush on their cheeks. View spoilerHide spoiler
I've seen gashapon toys from Japanese brands before with slugs. I totally don't have a spot here to display such things, but I'm getting tempted again haha.
29 days ago
Maakie1 month ago#124538678Thank you! :)
Huh, interesting! Maybe I'm just too used to seeing the pink version as it's seen as the 'default' color.
The swimsuit version was announced the moment this one shipped out...what a timing. :') I like it because it reminds me of a lot of other figures I own or want to own. But yeah I'm not going to buy a 3rd version of this character unless I sell one of her others, making her kit twice is already enough I think haha.

Maybe it is the familiarity that makes it feel safer here? x)
Ouch, that timing gotta hurt... Obviously, three so similar is a bit too much, at least in terms of motivation but hopefully things work out. Maybe there might even be someone willing to trade gks?

Also, unrelated but sea slugs are adorbs, so hard to pick a favorite!
1 month ago
LittlePisces1 month ago#124538753Funny I heard of sea slugs, but never seen a photo of them before! Didn't expect them to have very interesting designs.

Lots of cool stuff going on in the (deep) sea. Some of them have the shape of a 'common' slug but come in fancy colors. Others have shapes making them look like leaves or coral. Some are like small salamanders. A slug for everyone! Except people completely disliking any slug type.
1 month ago
Funny I heard of sea slugs, but never seen a photo of them before! Didn't expect them to have very interesting designs.
1 month ago

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