
What was the happiest memory in your collecting journey?What was the happiest memory in your collecting journey?Misc

fiokokonoefiokokonoe21 days ago
hey everyone! its me, fio again with another article :D

today i had a not so good day.. ill spare you the details but long story short i came home from school pretty tired and sad.

So! I want to hear what were your most happiest moments in your collecting journey to cheer myself up. I love hearing about other peoples stories! Hope to see some awesome comments ^^
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fiokokonoe21 days ago#124900311thank you for all the kind comments <3 its nice to see good vibes all piled up in one place
Hope you can get happy days ahead of you, or maybe today is one of those days,
make them count and make the best memories, not just in collection, but in life!!!
20 days ago
Wishing you better days! ^-^
My most happiest memory was when I finally got ITEM #459957
I had searched for her high and low but couldn't find her. After some searching I found her online in a Japanese store (it was a legit store, it's still named as one of the partners here). But since I'm from the EU it would mean getting screwed over pretty badly at the customs and the shipping for her was truly high since she was so heavy. After pacing back and forth I went for it and paid her full price, only to get screwed over by said Japanese store that I had to pay another hundred euro's to transport her (by then I had already paid a couple of hundred euro's to ship her to me asap). As the prices got out of hand I cancelled her and with a lot of mailing back and forth the store finally decided to refund me (ruined my entire summer holidays).
Fast forward to the end of that year and I got a message from my local gaming store in the Netherlands that SHE WAS FOR SALE. And she was even cheaper than in that Japanese store. Fastest purchase of my life. (I also vividly remember calling my dad with a trembling voice that I saw her being sold in our nearby game store and how I was sooo excited xD).
She now sits near my television so I can watch her every night ^-^
20 days ago
My happyest days was when i got my Yama no Susume and Kodomo no Jikan Mangá, maybe i'm sad because i don't speak japanese but i still love them
21 days ago
thank you for all the kind comments <3 its nice to see good vibes all piled up in one place
21 days ago
NekoAleu When They Cry enjoyer
Sorry about the bad day. Tomorrow can be better!

For me, it would be getting Nyu and Nana from Elfen Lied.
21 days ago
Let's see... Mmmmh...
Getting my first Pokemon trading figure when I was a little kid, getting my first scales, getting my first articulated figure, receiving my 1st order from Japan (did only 3, too much stress and problems :S but happy with them lol), placing my figures in my first showcase :D

I hope tomorrow will be a better day !
21 days ago
I’m really sorry you had a harsh day, look forward to tomorrow!
I didnt have my best day yet, but im slowly getting there!!
I bought some bookshelves and shelves for my desk to arrange my figures and i cannot wait until they are here so i can finally finish everything up! Im really excited to just see everything in its ultimate finished form, i believe it’ll look amazing!!!
21 days ago
I'm sorry you had such a rough day. There'll be better days soon.
Recently, my happiest moments were when I finally got ITEM #1009 back after three years and when I got ITEM #666745 for the first time at an anime convention.
21 days ago
Winning ITEM #919 bundled with ITEM #914 for only $60-I literally cried when I found out I won the auction with no competing bids. Also finding ITEM #1766041 I thought I'd never see a Charlotte kit anywhere.
21 days ago
Mine was the moment I was able to collect the trio of the Gundam seed male scales. The lovely Kira ITEM #117204 , the cool Athrun ITEM #109624 and finally my BOI Yzak ITEM #133553 . They look so lovely together!

I just adore these three and they will always get the best place in my Detolfs. <3
21 days ago

About this blog

hai hai im fio!!!
i love making articles and just in general writing about stuff i enjoy!!
if you want you can always shoot me a fr :DD

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