
impatience! impatience! what are some figures you cant wait for?impatience! impatience! what are some figures you cant wait for?Misc

fiokokonoefiokokonoe10 days ago
haiii everyone!!! just wanted to ask a question and update a little about that madoka cu poche!

so.. to cut a long story short, ive been waiting weeks for my biggest grail, my Madoka cu poche to arrive. (I know youve probably read this before if you were active but im just writing this for new readers and for clarity ^^)

There were many twists and turns and times i was super close to getting her, but ended up not having enough money. Last month i finally got to buy her, but due to problems with the seller i ended up having it cancelled automatically by the shopping site because the seller didnt get to mail her out.

So for the update: It said it would takd around 10 working days to refund, but after said 10 working days they still didnt refund the money and my mom ended up having to tell them to refund us. So now im stuck having to wait ANOTHER 10 days just for the money to get refunded.

So now, im basically just hoping every day that it refunds so me and the seller can do cash on delivery. Im getting SUUUPER impatient now and i just cant wait ><; hopefully ill be able to finally have her this month.

thats all for me, but what about you? What are some preorders that you really want released or some figures youre desperately waiting for? please tell me in the comments ^^ i need to take my mind off of thinking about her LOL
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Maakie2 days ago#125635714Why not? Because of them looking bug-like?
Nope. I live in Brazil, and here we are having alot of issue with customs simply denying packages from japan or USA with no apparent reason. And it seems like this is going to be these girls fate. Best case scenario is they get sent back to the proxy and I pay to get them shipped again. Sigh
i hate my country
2 days ago
purpurinas10 days ago#125290669im worried she might not make it thru customs ITEM #159152
i hope she does tho TT-TT

Why not? Because of them looking bug-like?
2 days ago
My ITEM #1464740 just shipped but I'm literally so impatient Lol. I pre-ordered her last August so I've been waiting a while and I'm so excited to get her. I literally died inside when she had a small delay
7 days ago
I can’t wait for ITEM #1709968 I preordered her and she arrives in just 5 more months!
7 days ago
im sooo excited for ITEM #1605254 to release!!!!! shes so cute i love her base
9 days ago
I'm waiting for them "Helck" ENTRY #186265 figures to be announced, since anime will be airing next season. ;)
9 days ago
ITEM #1719610 - it's received two delays already. :( Hopefully July is the month!
9 days ago
I absolutely cannot wait for ITEM #1781771 or item/1808833! But I have a long wait ahead of me; ITEM #1781771 doesn't come until at least November, and ITEM #1808833 doesn't come out until at least July of 2024 :'(
10 days ago
not many upcoming releases have struck me as something i need until i saw this miku! announced: ITEM #1781942 i really hope she turns out not insanely pricey bc i will never be satisfied in life unless i have her in my collection but i will obtain her. the colours and shapes and overall vibes are everything to me.
also, these two ITEM #1710686 ITEM #1710687 i am just obsessed with, they're just sooo cute and pretty and i love the complexity. so yeah, i'm gonna be needing both of them.
10 days ago
Waiting for updates on ITEM #1618435 and ITEM #1781626, especially Kaeya. It's been months I'm waiting for a prototype, even a chibi art would be enough for me :') I also need updates on these two ITEM #1623212, ITEM #1623211
10 days ago

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hai hai im fio!!!
i love making articles and just in general writing about stuff i enjoy!!
if you want you can always shoot me a fr :DD

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