
Symphony Rin ReviewSymphony Rin ReviewReview

MeiMisakiMeiMisaki7 days ago
Hello everybody!

Viper here with a short review of the Symphony Series featuring Rin Kagamine! As a collector of roughly 10 years, I have high standards so let's see how she holds up. after all figures arent cheap these days and i got her from the gsc store


It's not new, but I really do appreciate how small the nendo boxes have gotten. It makes for easier storage, though one could argue that's because there's less accessories included... Godspeed to collectors ordering nendoroids that only come with one extra face-plate. Back in the day we would've cried bloody murder!


All the pictures are printed nicely, and no dents or marks. A good sign. Now onto the actual figure herself!


I'm just glad she has three faceplates and different arm/leg parts... OK old collector griping will stop now! I'll get with the times, I promise.


ADORABLE. I LOVE THIS FACE. It's printed perfectly and there's no marks. The PVC on her feels smooth, with a classic matte finish. GSC quality control thus far have been doing their job.
Same as above. No flaws, and really clean. Her eyes are gorgeous.


You can't see it well but her shorts and shoes have this enjoyable pearl sheen to it that thoroughly gives her a sort of ethereal look. Not to mention that the gold is clean, shiny, and hasn't smudged onto her bare skin or the white parts of her lower half. That is quite impressive given that she is small, and a nendoroid.


The QC on the bodice is insane! Not a speck out of place, and even the gold along her wavy Fuku at the back is kept well within its lines. The gold sparkles in the light too. So far I'm VERY impressed.

Watch out Tako-Luka, you have a challenger! Tako-Rin!
I love how they've done her hair


All good things must come to an end... even when i was gentle, the golden bow on her wrist popped off like it was one of Elon Musk's failed rocket launch. I must say, I am quite upset. With such a delicate bow, you'd think that the glue would hold far better... and glue doesn't cost the same as jet fuel.

Anyways, aside from that unfortunate situation, she looks stunning. Her bangs have a light translucent shade to them, and there's zero splotches or QC issues anywhere. She really gives off an angelic feeling.


Even among all the big mikus and such, she stands out. Perhaps it's the fact she's a golden yellow against that sea of teal... who knows.

Anyways, onto results!

Sculpt: 10/10
Poseability: 7/10
Quality control: 9/10

Overall I give her a solid 8.5/10

Because she's got so many little details that I'm afraid to even be gentle with, alot of her pose potential is lost. If I wanted a static figure, I would've bought a scalespeaking of, wheres my rin Symphony scale?

For all those rin lovers out there, she's a beautiful piece to get! Expensive, but worth it.

Mad appreciate if you've read this far into the article! Here's hoping I can fix that pesky wrist ribbon
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About this blog

I am a younger collector and my name shall Be MR.M

Edit: I'm literally an adult now and this account is a relic of a past age. Plus I go by Viper now. 23, Aussie. FRUGAL.

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