
Which "holy grail" represents you as a personWhich "holy grail" represents you as a personDiary

Panda_RollPanda_Roll5 days ago
I was watching Zucco's latest vid today when he said something that got me thinking.

Paraphrasing: The word grail gets thrown around a lot but a "holy" grail is reserved for an item that represents you, that would tell people something about you as a person.

This got me thinking. I think of figures specifically as one of two things. They are pretty or they are nostalgic. However last year when I was showing off my collection to some friends, that know nothing about figures, they all zoomed in on one specific photo and said "this is you Panda, this is such a you thing."

And... yeah I was, no joke, shaking when I got this. I never thought of it as a grail because I would never try for something this expensive. However, it felt like it belonged with me when I did find it so I guess this one is me. I would like to know which you consider represents you. Not one you're emotinally attached to, a figure that is YOU to the outside world and do you own it? Or maybe it's a character and you have an alter to it? Mikus don't count, she is a goddess to us all so no hogging!

Here is the exact picture that everyone decided is me.
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690 hits • 1 like14 comments

Do you have "this is me" figure?

16%Yep, I've owned it for years
20%Yes but I don't own it (yet!)
25%Kindda, I have a "me" character/franchise that I strongly identify with
7%No, I tend to change too often to have just one "me" figure.
19%No, they're just pretty plastic. It's not too deep.
4%What happened to MFC?
4%I equally love all my grails, tho I may have personal favorites
1%haven't found one that represents "me" yet
83 votes


Milady-Alluca Obnoxiously Wordy
I'm a little torn...the GEM Utena ITEM #171481 is maybe my favorite figure in my collection that also represents me and all that I love in character design and figures and anime due to sentimentality and it was a pleasant surprise she was even made but I struggle to call her a grail because I didn't have to hunt or sacrifice anything for her. I was able to just PO her since I was into collecting at the right time to be able to do so (of course the one I received from AmiAmi came missing a shoe lace somehow right there sealed in box so I'm forever a little bitter about it since back in those days AA customer service for US customers was nonexistent or a joke imho)

But my grail I did hunt for and save for and spend the most at the time for was my GSD Lacus AFC figure ITEM #11171. She was and still is a little rare and expensive and she's princessy and pink and perfect and lovely. Lacus and Utena are classically my favorite sentimental characters though I favor Utena over Lacus and Lacus is more just pure sentimentality at this point.

I'll always laugh that my two favorite anime heroines look almost exactly alike down to the swoop in their bangs.
4 days ago
easily has to be ITEM #26364 (which i purchased prepainted). she was my ultimate holy grail and she definitely represents me, i've always loved gothic fashion and 2000s era anime girls lol
4 days ago
Panda_Roll5 days ago#125513373Add me to the "laugh" category. I was not expecting that but dear god does it have personality XD
Got her last year when she was spiking at $1000... in a local clearance sale for $80 brand new and sealed. My brothers told me to just turn around and sell it since it was such a hot item but I couldn't, MY PRECIOUSSSSSSSSSS!

You had me there for a second,such a steal of a deal! Truly it was meant to be x)
4 days ago
this is fun! a grail i think represents me is: ITEM #162402 i just think her aesthetic is everything i love in one figure, and you can tell a lot about my interests just from looking at her <3
4 days ago
ITEM #234939 Is my “this is me”, I’m sleepy all the time and would rather play video games; especially those which give me another “life” to make better.

Best girl from MGRP lol, I also have a tattoo of her.
4 days ago
For a grail that I own, I think that ITEM #330822 is most representative of my aesthetic..
but for a grail that is representative of me it would be ITEM #1088340
4 days ago
Though I equally love all of my Homura Akemi garage kits. I would say this particular one ITEM #1427237 represents me.

I like to pretend the ribbon is like life trapping her. But she's still persisting regardless of the skewed world.

Yes, I've seen the movie of the scene that inspired that figure. I'm just adding my own twist to the scenario haha.
5 days ago
I already got my grail, but I wouldn't say she represents me. ITEM #115

To some of my friends from an online Gunslinger Girl forum I guess would say ITEM #13765 represents me, as a lot of them do call me my user name, Triela (or Tri) and she is my all time fave female anime character. We yearly go to a con as a big group to this day. :)

My grail that would represent me hasn't been made yet. :( I want a figure from any company to make a Max Caulfield figure from Life is Strange. Max IS me.
5 days ago
ITEM #14002 When i told my friends that recently i finally got my hands on him, all of them said something like "this was literally made for you" or "why didn't you find this earlier" and yeah, they're right. This is just peak character design and aesthetic for me, and i cannot imagine myself not having him aghahah
Another, much sillier "grail" is ITEM #287933 , R is one of the characters that I strongly associate myself with, and all of the people who ever saw him think so too lol. I even like that it's a figma, and not a cool looking scale or anything, just fits right in with how awkward we both are. cut my hands like 10 times while assembling his bike, but it was totally worth it
5 days ago
ITEM #460012 always.

Maybe one day she'll recieve a re-release.
Currently, she's priced at about 2,000$
5 days ago

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