
Meltdown...with style ! B)Meltdown...with style ! B)Diary

hasturmishhasturmish2 days ago
Buying figures is difficult

I'm having a bit of a crisis right now because of figures

my brother helped me ordering ITEM #87533 and ITEM #235290
that cost me like 4 figures and 1 that (not advertising is for context!) it's still for sale

I really like cammy! but I'm not interested in poison, it's hard to find her where I live for a decent price so when I saw her in a bundle I got her!

this cammy bishoujo has been my grail for a long time in general cammy is my top character my favorite of all time and I always wanted a figure of her but...

she cost me a lot of effort and money and even if I'm really happy I feel empty

I don't know why, my birthday is coming and I'll receive money so it's not a money problem.

for now I'm in a debt of 25€ to my brother lol I'll give it to him when I can

Now I'm not saying that I'm in a big financial problem or something because I have a bank account apart from collecting, the money that I use for collecting is extra

but I'm not used to spend that much money so I guess it scared me and now I'm kind of in a regret

I thought "how many figures I could have bought with that money"
but when I don't have the money I think "god I wish I had money forITEM #87533 "

I'm sorry if it's difficult to understand or something, I talked with my mom about that and she told me it was because a had like ADHD but I don't think so, I think it's mostly because of my sense of money that I got from my father lol

still I'm proud of my collection this is the second figure I have bought for aftermarket price:')
so I'm melting with style and good figs

what do you think? it has happened to you? do you overthink?

I probably will sell poison and some other figure to cool my head I don't care if I loose money I just want some of it back

(my family is financially stable and I know how much I can spend I'm not doing dangerous things)
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I managed to grab for 330 euros ITEM #455250 a few days ago, it's the last grail figure I want and now my figure collection is 100% complete.

It could have been money put towards the car I'll purchase in 3 years to replace my current one, or the trip I planned next year, it could have even covered the cost of my next tattoo so it lowkey hurts because it feels like I could have use the money for something 'better'.

As much as I don't like 'YOLO', it's better having remorse than regretting doing something, so enjoy your new purchase, you're getting a figure of your favourite character !
1 day ago
buyers remorse, atleast for me i overcome the guilt once i own the item
2 days ago
Buyer's remorse hit me one time when I ordered what one consider a grail. Once the figure arrived I was very happy with it, but I still felt bad because at the time I was jobless. So it was more about the value of money to me at that moment than the item itself. If you think you're in a bad financial situation or simply want to save more, you could sell Poison, pay your brother and save the rest of the money.
2 days ago
Buyer's Remorse is a real and powerful thing, and it can stick with you a long time. It's good to wait a while before buying expensive things, and think about what else you could do with the money, and how much you really want the item.

Selling off Poison will probably help ease the remorse, if you don't love her once she's on your shelf. On the other hand, maybe she'll grow on you and become a favorite.
2 days ago
ptooey2 days ago#125635966I think its only natural to have a bit of a come down if it was a lot of effort to get her.
I felt a bit the same about a nendoroid I bought. I felt I shouldn't have bought it, everyday stuff is going up, I should have saved the money or spent it on food or bills BUT when he arrived I was not disappointed, I think he is beautiful! He sits by my desk and everytime I look at him it makes me so happy. Hopefully you will feel better when your cammy arrives! and like you said you can sell poison and make some money back :)

aww that's so cute! yeah I want my figure to arrive as soon as possible! so I can appreciate the effort put into it
2 days ago
Congratulations though! I love street fighter and fighting games in general so I’m glad to see these figures get some love :). I know I’ll probably go through a similar thing, considering my grails are uber expensive, but they were your grail for a reason.
2 days ago
I think its only natural to have a bit of a come down if it was a lot of effort to get her.

I felt a bit the same about a nendoroid I bought. I felt I shouldn't have bought it, everyday stuff is going up, I should have saved the money or spent it on food or bills BUT when he arrived I was not disappointed, I think he is beautiful! He sits by my desk and everytime I look at him it makes me so happy. Hopefully you will feel better when your cammy arrives! and like you said you can sell poison and make some money back :)
2 days ago
Tuptaju2 days ago#125635925"I thought "how many figures I could have bought with that money"
but when I don't have the money I think "god I wish I had money for ITEM #87533""
Oh yeah, absolutely.
"God why did I spend so much on figures, I shouldn- OH LOOK, NEW MIKU NENDOROID"

that's so relatable :')
2 days ago
"I thought "how many figures I could have bought with that money"
but when I don't have the money I think "god I wish I had money for ITEM #87533""
Oh yeah, absolutely.
"God why did I spend so much on figures, I shouldn- OH LOOK, NEW MIKU NENDOROID"
2 days ago

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