
Comments Ikea's Detolf is being Discontinued.

Chloe-tsundere The louise otaku
Luckily got some which I plan to sell once it gets discontinued. Since then surely people would like one (i sell for what I paid) and get myself a new one. They are nice to start with tho ^^! I prefer fabrikor myself so planned to sell em

Sad for newer collectors tho. But for me doesn't affect me.
6 hours ago
Panda_Roll6 hours ago#125720785I personally picked up the newer ikea baggebo when it went on sale for $35. If your collection is small and you're looking for something cheap I'd highly recommend it. Got a roll of stiff plastic for $2 and glued it to the inside of the mesh before assembly.
That was in Feb, so far not a speak of dust.
I might pick up something small like this. My collection isn't huge per se but also not tiny I wanted to get atleast one proper display case to show off my fave figures but I'm also planning to get the Billy shelves with the glass doors to show off my other figures. I have 2 cats, so a little protection they give is great. Currently most of my collection is packed away. I need to start thinking what to do with my room. I'm a little lost.
6 hours ago
mikkimomiji Soft-boiled ramen eggs
PeachyKirby6 hours ago#125719613where were you when detolf die
i was at house eating dorito when phone ring
“detolf is kil”

LMAO I love this
6 hours ago
Erinachiii36 hours ago#125719646I wanted to get Detolfs but only would have been able to getting them next year. Kinda a bummer. But if that solves the sudden explosions of them it's okay. The frame doesn't bother me too much but it being smaller sucks (at least I think so I can't really tell). It's kinda scary though because atleast with Detolfs there were many people with experiences & knowledge about them. I doubt many will get the new one now at least for a couple of years, so I'm kinda worried about buying them next year. Can you put magnets on the frame? That would be super cool for decorating it. But the space being smaller is a problem. Idk what to do now. It probably will Take some time anyway before I can get one because I want to completely renew all my furniture which is still from my childhood & I really need to look into all the affordable options for collectors/artists anyway, so by that time there should already be some opinions on them. They aren't that expensive here, only 10€ more expensive than the Detolf with 69,99€

I personally picked up the newer ikea baggebo when it went on sale for $35. If your collection is small and you're looking for something cheap I'd highly recommend it. Got a roll of stiff plastic for $2 and glued it to the inside of the mesh before assembly.

That was in Feb, so far not a speak of dust.

6 hours ago
I wanted to get Detolfs but only would have been able to getting them next year. Kinda a bummer. But if that solves the sudden explosions of them it's okay. The frame doesn't bother me too much but it being smaller sucks (at least I think so I can't really tell). It's kinda scary though because atleast with Detolfs there were many people with experiences & knowledge about them. I doubt many will get the new one now at least for a couple of years, so I'm kinda worried about buying them next year. Can you put magnets on the frame? That would be super cool for decorating it. But the space being smaller is a problem. Idk what to do now. It probably will Take some time anyway before I can get one because I want to completely renew all my furniture which is still from my childhood & I really need to look into all the affordable options for collectors/artists anyway, so by that time there should already be some opinions on them. They aren't that expensive here, only 10€ more expensive than the Detolf with 69,99€
6 hours ago
i'm a billy bookshelf girlie so it doesn't affect me much

and, someone correct me if i'm wrong, but when ikea discontinues something, doesn't that usually mean they're just remaking the product under another name and are going to upcharge it?
6 hours ago
PeachyKirby The Cyberpunk Collector
where were you when detolf die

i was at house eating dorito when phone ring

“detolf is kil”

6 hours ago
I'm sure it will show up again under a different name with a price increase, just like the Morliden (now Hogbo) doors for the Billy bookcase.

IKEA has a track record of doing this with multiple products.
6 hours ago
As an owner of 2 Detolfs for a few years now, they're just not very good. The frame inside rattles around and there's almost no adjustability out of the box. Not to mention that there's a whole lot of glass to keep clean, and these things aren't exactly dustproof out of the box. I do realize there's not a lot of alternatives at the price point, if you want your figures behind glass and don't have the option to secure a Billy with heavy glass doors to a wall.
6 hours ago
JSandio6 hours ago#125719572This has apparently happened before:

I don't know about the second article, seems like it was a misunderstanding. The first one just confirms it. That it will be discontinued in Jan 2024.
6 hours ago