
More Male Figures!!More Male Figures!!Please companies, listen to us, WE WANT MORE MALE FIGURES!Figures & Goods

lycangoat6 years ago#17098434If there could be more Ao no Exorcist male figures I would be broke and happy! Even if just a Rin and Yukio Nendoroid!
That would be amazing. If they got made I would discard my personal don't buy nenderoids ban
6 years ago
Recently XM Shibumi was verry nice :)
6 years ago
The grand daddy of them all, Kaidou from One Piece!
6 years ago
MC7076 years ago#17705716Where do I find girls like yourself that like Rurouni Kenshin? Anyway, I would love it so much if they released more Kenshin figures, there's only like one or two real scales of Himura, and they are expensive as crap now.

I know right it's hard finding people who love Kenshin. More figures are totally necessary since he is so underrated. (ಥ﹏ಥ) He would look so cute as a nendoroid.
6 years ago
MC707 Rage your dream
HypedSniper6 years ago#17378029I wish there was rurouni kenshin, Toriko, Neji H, Hunter x hunter and 91 days nendoroids!Where do I find girls like yourself that like Rurouni Kenshin? Anyway, I would love it so much if they released more Kenshin figures, there's only like one or two real scales of Himura, and they are expensive as crap now.
6 years ago
oh megahouse how i pray for the day of a re-release to ITEM #109881 like if you want to buy this figure now u can only find him for around 200 dollars and he only costed 7600 yen when he got released
6 years ago
I wish there was rurouni kenshin, Toriko, Neji H, Hunter x hunter and 91 days nendoroids!
6 years ago
lycangoat6 years ago#17098434If there could be more Ao no Exorcist male figures I would be broke and happy! Even if just a Rin and Yukio Nendoroid!

6 years ago
If there could be more Ao no Exorcist male figures I would be broke and happy! Even if just a Rin and Yukio Nendoroid!
6 years ago
It would be nice if Alter will make a figure of Devil Chrono from Chrono Crusade. :/
6 years ago