
MyethosMyethosA club for fans of the Chinese figure company, Myethos.Artists & Companies

View spoilerHide spoilerevenstar881 day ago#125649497I personally like the Arknights figures in their battle appearances, but to each their own :) If I am a fan, I might well get this one too XD I am not into Arknights though so these two figures are getting a pass from me. I actually don't have any Myethos preorders currently XD

I understand your point, the Arkinghts battle figures are quite impressive. For the moment I am in the mood of passing these figures too since I am not into the series as well and, unlike you, I do have four Myethos preorders at the moment =P
1 day ago
Sharing collectors' photos of the Gift+ Honor Of Kings Yun Ying figure, released a couple days ago. Credits to Hpoi users 邦的菜腿李 and 小丑先生.


1 day ago
Melisandre2 days ago#125610855View spoilerHide spoiler
Such a lovely figures, those bases look like chess pieces. BTW, I agree with you, I really like Eyjafjalla, very cute figure, should I buy her since I couldn't not get the other figurine of her? ^^

I personally like the Arknights figures in their battle appearances, but to each their own :) If I am a fan, I might well get this one too XD I am not into Arknights though so these two figures are getting a pass from me. I actually don't have any Myethos preorders currently XD
1 day ago
View spoilerHide spoilerevenstar883 days ago#125573613New Arknights figure announced, Dreamland version: Eyjafjalla (ITEM #1907994) and Amiya (ITEM #1907993)
Both are 1/7 scales, due for release in March 2024 and priced at 899 yuan each.
I think the Eyjafjalla one looks especially sweet.

Such a lovely figures, those bases look like chess pieces. BTW, I agree with you, I really like Eyjafjalla, very cute figure, should I buy her since I couldn't not get the other figurine of her? ^^
2 days ago
mokomikimi3 days ago#125573441The figure comes in a box inside a box. The outer cardboard box is H36:W45:L45, the inner box housing the figure sits inside this outer box snugly. I just weighed mine, which is still inside it's two boxes as I havent unpacked after moving house, and it weighed just shy of 8kg. I can imagine that if the shipper packaged the figure in another box and padded it out a bit then it could possibly reach 10kg.
I'm not sure what the figure weighs by itself but the figure box is virtually as big as the outer box and it is well packaged from what I can remember

Ahhh, that's a huge box. There's a certain threshold of box size where the item is just assigned a certain weight based upon the cost of shipping a box that size regardless kd weight. Looks like this set falls under that category.

Though the difference between 8kg and 10kg isn't much, still would've cost a lot to ship had it been 8kg. The base must weigh a lot.

Thanks for the info! Helps alleviate the cost anxiety lol
3 days ago
New Arknights figure announced, Dreamland version: Eyjafjalla (ITEM #1907994) and Amiya (ITEM #1907993)

Both are 1/7 scales, due for release in March 2024 and priced at 899 yuan each.

I think the Eyjafjalla one looks especially sweet.


3 days ago
rogue_g7 days ago#125410513Finally got a hold of 22&33 Niang 'Canon in D Major' through Superbuy and the shipping is.. something else.
Don't really have much power to question, but was the weight quote for anyone else 10kg? They don't look that heavy, but maybe the base plate is solid PVC and not hollow. That would probably do it. More for curiosity than anything else, already paid for SAL because everything else was 2X more and higher.

The figure comes in a box inside a box. The outer cardboard box is H36:W45:L45, the inner box housing the figure sits inside this outer box snugly. I just weighed mine, which is still inside it's two boxes as I havent unpacked after moving house, and it weighed just shy of 8kg. I can imagine that if the shipper packaged the figure in another box and padded it out a bit then it could possibly reach 10kg.
I'm not sure what the figure weighs by itself but the figure box is virtually as big as the outer box and it is well packaged from what I can remember
3 days ago
Is Time Compass delayed in China? If she's not, I'm debating cancelling my Ami² order and just getting her from China. If anyone has any recommended shops let me know ^_^
5 days ago
Hey everyone. The Bilibili mascots 22 and 33 have been whitelisted and these are the related Myethos figures now allowed on the database:

- 22 Chinese Wedding ITEM #1904940
- 33 Chinese Wedding ITEM #1904941
- 2233 Canon in D ITEM #1904637
- 2233 Chinese New Year Q version ITEM #1905143

Feels really nice that my non-MFC list has been whittled down to mostly OCs now (which the mods will be addressing within this week or the next).
5 days ago
purple7 days ago#125412304GSC sent an email stating that Time Compass' release date has changed to August.

It seems so, I did also get an email from Amazon JP with the change of release date.
7 days ago