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I recently bought ITEM #61364 and unfortuately the base wasn't Max Factory's best choice as it does not provide enough support for such a hefty figure. I'm afraid that the pegs will eventually snap due to wobbling too much and I don't want her to turn into a "leaner".

I don't know anything about custom bases and it turns out that I'm not even creative enough to find an elegant solution... please help! Any idea is much appreciated.
4 years ago

I messed up. So I recently got a Yu Narukami figma. As I was trying to tighten the hand for holding the katana, the heat from the hairdryer I was using seemed to warp the katana also. As a result I spent the last couple of hours trying to fix it, and it eventually snapped. I was wondering if anyone had a spare katana, similar to the figma? I'd really appreciate it.
4 years ago
Hello i dont know if this is the right place...while umpacking my Rem (ITEM #464666) i applied too much pressure on her plate that she is holding with the cup of tea and stuff, so it separated from her fingers and honestly if i place the plate on the top she can hold it just fine and you cant tell its separated, but still i would like to deal with it since i dont like the risk of it falling off randomly, so anyone have a broken Rem that could sell me that arm so i can replace it? i dont think using glue is possible since the fingers are so small and it would look too obvious that i would rather just let the plate on the top...
4 years ago
Heavenly_Otaku5 years ago#34191638Wash it with ordinary soap water. Do not scrub, just use your hands.
Thanks, worked de-sticky-ing another piece too.
5 years ago
Kam5 years ago#34188694Hiya.
I've been moving my figures over to a new room, and discovered my Fear has this.. sticky leaking plasticizer? (Dunno what else it can be, she's been in a Detolf all this time) on her hair..
What'd be the best way to clean it?

Wash it with ordinary soap water. Do not scrub, just use your hands.
5 years ago
I've been moving my figures over to a new room, and discovered my Fear has this.. sticky leaking plasticizer? (Dunno what else it can be, she's been in a Detolf all this time) on her hair..
What'd be the best way to clean it?
5 years ago
Heavenly_Otaku5 years ago#32621827

Thanks, if I remember it wasn't there when I got it fresh, the dent came due to the fall.\

I'll try what you suggested. Once again, thank you.
5 years ago
KapengBarako5 years ago#32461960
[img]imgur.com/E7boo.... jpg[/img]

It looks more like a dent, than a crack. Are you sure it wasn't there when you first got this figure? Even closeup on the picture, I don't see a crack line.
KapengBarako5 years ago#32517712 I figured it might be the paint from the skirt transferred to her skin.
So I tried qtips dipped with nail polish and warm water to try and remove it, neither worked.
So I figured would using Mr Clean's Magic Eraser work?

Mr clean Magic eraser is a safe option when you use it gently. Since it is a microfiber abrasive, using it roughly might remove the neighboring paint as well. I suggest you to use undiluted Iso-propyl alcohol (Propanol) with q-tip to gently rub the paint transfer off. I recently did the same and it work well on skin of the figure.
5 years ago
Greetings, I'm here again though with another and hopefully easier too solve issue.

So I decided to admire my figurines a bit and I noticed my Alisa has something new to her. A red scratch...well seems like a scratch. I figured it might be the paint from the skirt transferred to her skin.

So I tried qtips dipped with nail polish and warm water to try and remove it, neither worked.
So I figured would using Mr Clean's Magic Eraser work?

5 years ago
Heavenly_Otaku5 years ago#32344719... .

Apologies for the late reply.
Here's an image with a red circle as requested. Thanks for the previous advice as well.

[img]imgur.com/E7boo.... jpg[/img]
5 years ago