We are sharing the Love of All Japanese Figures and Games! Warehouse, Pay-later & Worldwide Shipping Available !
Last visit 27 days ago • Joined 5 years ago5,243 hits (26,020)


Good day, I'm just your average anime, manga, and video game fan. Or perhaps not so average since I enjoy seeking out the most underrated things that I can find, while avoiding the more popular ones. A form of a contrarian, I suppose. That said, you'll find that I have a few guilty pleasures that I otherwise don't rate particularly highly.

I'm a huge Fire Emblem fan, having served as my favourite game series since FE8 first came out in the west. FE5/9 are probably the games I like the most. Not at all a fan of the 3DS titles and other specific games in the series that allow for too much freedom with a focus on appeasing the player, but that's a story for another time.
My other big interest is [email protected], in particular ML. I've been into it since around 2015, but don't play the mobile game anymore since I find spending money on merchandise is better than sinking it in a gacha. I'm mostly a fan because of the music, but the idols themselves are of course an important aspect too.
As for my favourite characters in each franchise, there's in reality too many to count. I could probably narrow it down to Marisa & Kleine (FE) and Tsumugi, Shizuka, & Shiho ([email protected]).

Figure collecting is a relatively new hobby for me. I have certain criteria for what I buy, and so my intention is not to reach figures in the hundreds (pun intended). My taste in media helps with this a great deal; the things I enjoy generally don't have nearly the amount of collectibles that the more popular shows have. Because of this I'm able to allow my collection to grow naturally, without feeling the need to make compromises due to lack of space or a large selection of available goods. Outside of [email protected] and other naturally "cute" things that I want to represent, I do have a preference for figures and characters who elicit a cool or confident aura.


happy birthday. :)
1 year ago
Hello and happy birthday !
1 year ago
elci2 years ago#85032082Oh, I definitely agree. It might go without saying but I'd never buy a figure simply because it is visually pleasing, for me it's always characters from series/games I know and love and want to represent. I know a lot of people buy whatever they find cool and while building your collection based on that can turn out nice, it can also very easily get out of hand if you don't have any set boundaries of what and what not to buy. It's not really economically sustainable if you ask me and eventually you'll look at parts of your collection and wonder why you even bought it in the first place. In having your interests niched you'll at the very least purchase things for a reason that goes further than superficial looks.
That said, the reason I mentioned the figure design in particular for your collection is because I'm not familiar or invested in the characters themselves. From an outsider's perspective the design of the characters obviously stick out the most and that part is pretty great across the board when it comes to your figures. As for specific ones, the Hotaru, 02, and Koneko ones are top-notch. I very much appreciate their design, but that's a different matter entirely from wanting to purchase them for myself.

I totally agree, having a guideline is necessary to control the expansion of your collection and budget, and not to regret purchases later.

Your opinion on my collection pleasantly surprised me and I didn't think that this impression could emerge from my collection more than from another one. I'm so glad you feel that!

If you have a look at my pictures you'll see most of them displayed together and see the overall look.
The 3 you mentioned are on my top favourites! The Koneko was the hardest to find but I absolutely wanted that one thanks to, once again, her cool design.

And those 3 contain my 2 Pulchra figures: Hotaru and Koneko. This manufacturer is, IMO, highly underrated. They take risks and that gives those unusual designs and I love that. That's what I explain in my article about this Koneko and that's what you felt while looking at them!

I also looked at your collection. I don't know any of your characters haha, but I find that all the designs of your [email protected] figures are super cool!
2 years ago
Archiwheel2 years ago#85032063Thank you, I appreciate your comment! What are the figures designs you like the most?
Even if the figure design is super important IMO, the first reason why I want a figure of a character is to like the character itself.
Then I choose only one figure for a character so there the design becomes the decisive criteria.
What criteria make you choose a figure?
Oh, I definitely agree. It might go without saying but I'd never buy a figure simply because it is visually pleasing, for me it's always characters from series/games I know and love and want to represent. I know a lot of people buy whatever they find cool and while building your collection based on that can turn out nice, it can also very easily get out of hand if you don't have any set boundaries of what and what not to buy. It's not really economically sustainable if you ask me and eventually you'll look at parts of your collection and wonder why you even bought it in the first place. In having your interests niched you'll at the very least purchase things for a reason that goes further than superficial looks.

That said, the reason I mentioned the figure design in particular for your collection is because I'm not familiar or invested in the characters themselves. From an outsider's perspective the design of the characters obviously stick out the most and that part is pretty great across the board when it comes to your figures. As for specific ones, the Hotaru, 02, and Koneko ones are top-notch. I very much appreciate their design, but that's a different matter entirely from wanting to purchase them for myself.
2 years ago
elci2 years ago#85031705No worries! Saw your collection and really liked your taste in figure design, so I figured (heh) I'd just send you a request to see how it would develop from here.
Thank you, I appreciate your comment! What are the figures designs you like the most?
Even if the figure design is super important IMO, the first reason why I want a figure of a character is to like the character itself.
Then I choose only one figure for a character so there the design becomes the decisive criteria.
What criteria make you choose a figure?
2 years ago
Archiwheel2 years ago#85031681Hello and thank you for the friend request !No worries! Saw your collection and really liked your taste in figure design, so I figured (heh) I'd just send you a request to see how it would develop from here.
2 years ago
Hello and thank you for the friend request !
2 years ago
Please my friend.:-)))
2 years ago
Atsuko2 years ago#84172685Happy birthday!
Thank you! +2 points for that gif. ;)
2 years ago
Happy B and strong Health!
2 years ago


Hoshii Miki
星井 美希
Sugiura Ayano
杉浦 綾乃
Hanaki Yuka
花木 優香
Kitazawa Shiho
北沢 志保
Yokoyama Nao
横山 奈緒
Mogami Shizuka
最上 静香
Ibuki Tsubasa
伊吹 翼
Erina Der Vogelweide
Sasaki Saren
Kazano Hiori
風野 灯織
Mayuzumi Fuyuko
黛冬 優子


Mugen no Ryvius, Psycho Pass, Natsuiro Kiseki, Yuru Yuri, Le Chevalier D'Eon
Fire Emblem, Rune Factory
I don't listen to much else but [email protected]


12 years ago
8 years ago
7 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago