
Comments First AmiAmi grab box small size for girls

Zahraa6 years ago#21338150Hope you get good things XD
Thank you! I hope so too even though I have bad luck :)
6 years ago
Mareem6 years ago#21304068I ended up ordering a grab box from AmiAmi after seeing this and some other users's articles XD
Hope you get good things XD
6 years ago
I ended up ordering a grab box from AmiAmi after seeing this and some other users's articles XD
6 years ago
panda-kun6 years ago#21174781Nice loot! So jealous of the Kekkai Sensen rubber strap, Leo is so cute~ <3cattiz6 years ago#21202278Nice!! Really jealous of the Makoto things, especially the rubber strap, it's so cute!!
Thanks :D
6 years ago
akarin6 years ago#21178901Ensemble Stars! Knight badge: ITEM #482922
I usually see it around 500-800 yen

Oh , thank you
6 years ago
Nice!! Really jealous of the Makoto things, especially the rubber strap, it's so cute!!
6 years ago
Ensemble Stars! Knight badge: ITEM #482922

I usually see it around 500-800 yen
6 years ago
Nice loot! So jealous of the Kekkai Sensen rubber strap, Leo is so cute~ <3
6 years ago