
Comments To shrine or subtype? - Organizing collections

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First of all, thanks everyone for your input, written or by vote, really appreciate hearing your approach! Also kinda surprised not many people seem to do by type > subtype like back "in the old days" xd Even by colour seems to be more popular.
Meliodabeth MeliodabethMeliodabethsnip I've actually seen your amazing display templates before and they are kind of a small inspiration for me x) Was initially attempting to do the same for my detolfs with scales but unfortunately it gets a bit harder to apply to big shrines that involve pvcs, badges, straps, stands, book, etc... Though I'm still using your idea just to at least try and write down the overall spaces / shelves and what type of series or media should go where.
Also, specially love your nun/cleric shelf c:

hasturmishhasturmishhasturmishsnipSeems organising by colour is pretty popular nowadays, even in the poll it had more votes than expected! c:
When it comes to books, think it looks stunning when people pull off rainbow like libraries.

GhostFaceFox7GhostFaceFox7GhostFaceFox7snipBelated welcome and thanks ;v;b! While you might be starting off, you have very based tastes so your collection will grow to be splendid, surely.
drendrendrendrendrendrendrendrendrensnipHello, fellow cat lady ~ Your line-ups then tying up by company sound extremely satisfying x)
TheCliveTheCliveTheClivesnipIf it feels right, it is right after all c:
Personally thought, I'd fry a circuit if I had a figure shrine for a character but then one of them happened to fit on a themed place (like the bikini area, as per your example). Which is why I'm having such a hard time now deciding how I'll split things up OTL

jshinmoe18jshinmoe18jshinmoe18snip Aaah, very cool shrines you have and they definitely are full-on shrines, not just subtypes > chara, so it is great to see c: Thanks for sharing ~
MissMagsMissMagsMissMagssnipThose sound very neat and visually appealing ~
Thanks for all the great advice! For sure need to plan out how many shelves, cases and nookies I'll be needing for everything to fit but tbh, in this hobby, there is no such notion as too much space, is there? Also, that last bit of finding someone to take over is a really interesting idea, even if not possible for me. Never seen anyone mention similar yet can see how helpful it'd be for many struggling or feeling overwhelmed.

gwendal738-2gwendal738-2gwendal738-2snipAha, "almost BL". Your arrangements sound lovely. Do you also insert all sorts of media inside your main display cases?
Might try and pull something similar to your manga shelves organization ie. make a little Harada corner with her works and display some of the merch in front, and then just have it transition in line to other BL works, etc. Thought not sure if I should keep her artbooks there or in an artbook corner.

RotfleaRotfleaRotfleasnipAhaha, apologies for the disservice! Also, ot but amazing collection and superb tastes ~
Panda_RollPanda_RollPanda_RollsnipHey, it's not about the size, it's about the quality x)
Ahaha, ofc, the accidental Aoba corner, who never stumbled upon one of those xdd Tbf, I'll soon be having a Towa corner which was never planned for either.
Thanks for sharing. V You're spot on that variety is the spice of life and having things be unique does give them more personality. Alas, for me, order also implies consistency, be it visually or "logical", and too much divergency will send my brain to overdrive ;v; though I love appreciating it on others.

merychristmas13merychristmas13merychristmas13snipThat's a beautiful notion. Happened to have seen your work before too, and it was truly stunning and well thought out to match the character ~~
1 day ago
I like the idea of shrines where you buy for the character and not so much for the sake of collecting.

How i would personally go about it is the representing the best of what that character has to offer. The main idea off the top of my head is making Dioramas with probs that are unique to them or fitting thematic wise.
1 day ago
My collection is relatively small Though the funkos are taking over! and a bit eclectic so I have two distinct groups.

One, grouped by series. These are few, actually only two groups in that but they're very much fixed in their location and only move around once another from the same series gets added.

Two, by "type". I don't mean figure, acrylic stand, puppet...etc. I mean they share an aesthetic. In my case hot-topic gothic! That one is my favorite not going to lie.

One that sorta just happened is the Aoba corner. I didn't mean to make a character shrine but... one day it'll be the DRAMAtical murder corner, I promise!

View spoilerHide spoilerhttps://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2023/06/23/3642089.jpeg

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, it doesn't have to be one thing. More so when you have a larger collection. Have one that is grouped by series, another by type, a shelf that is a character alter...etc.

Maybe it's just me but that way each will have it's own identity and therefor a place. (everything NEEDS to be in it's place)
1 day ago
I need a poll option for all of the above...
1 day ago
I'd say I'm pretty organized. I can't take pics right now because I'm at work and my room isn't near complete yet so I don't feel comfortable sharing it, but I have one main display case with 5 levels. Highest and first level is what I call the "almost BL" boys with my Free! and Yuri on Ice figures; second shelf is the Touken Ranbu shelf, third shelf is TGCF / Wei Wuxian; 4th shelf are my most precious shrines of Akemi Homura and Tanya, with a couple of Kino and Henrietta figures thrown in (and the 1/6 RAH of Sebastian and Ciel since they don't fit anywhere else), and then the bottommost shelf has all of my other nendoroids from different series.

Other figures I display out of the main cabinet and onto my manga shelves go by series/author/genre. I have my CLAMP figures on my CLAMP shelf, Natsume Yuujinchou and Hitorijime My Hero have their own shrines, other misc BL figures are on the BL shelf, and a Vocaloid (Miku and Kaito only as they're my 2 favorite Vocaloids) and Jujutsu Kaisen shelf.

My other miscellaneous figures go on my miscellaneous manga shelf.

So in short... I guess I do more grouping by shrines, and also by series. And it's much easier for me to organize because I mostly collect nendos, so I really just need to slap some risers on a shelf and I can display them all however I want.
1 day ago
https://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2023/04/30/3567766.gifIts nice seeing another collector with OCD. Mine was severe and now is mild! My brain still wont let me get certain figures cause they're "wrong". It would be interesting to hear how OCD has affected others collection. And I love everything being in its place but that's fueled by a separate co morbidity not the OCD. I mostly organize based on character and also sometimes by series. Its all mostly Miku so I don't have to do much organizing. I also divide my posters and plushies by media lol.https://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2023/04/30/3567764.gif
2 days ago
I have my prize figure shelves
View spoilerHide spoilerhttps://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2023/05/28/3604399.jpeghttps://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2023/05/28/3604356.jpeg

my madoka magica shelf
View spoilerHide spoilerhttps://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2023/05/28/3604384.jpeg
and my evangelion + nobara shelf
View spoilerHide spoilerhttps://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2023/05/28/3604395.jpeg
so everything is arranged by either series or type of figure (kinda!)
2 days ago
I like organizing by type and then series, like for example I'll have all my 4" figures near each other and then divide those by franchise/series and stick smaller trading figures in and around the display as makes sense visually. Larger figures and scales are more spread out but I'll pair them together based on visual cohesion and overall size.

As for how you can do your organizing, I highly suggest creating a planning image after you've determined where you want your furniture to be. Also try to be open to potentially needing to move a case but I know that's easier said than done. I've also found it helpful to have someone who can step in and "take over" if planning a display ends up overwhelming me. Depending on what you ask of your take-over assistant, they could get a preliminary plan started for you and then you can adjust as needed.
2 days ago
jshinmoe18 let's all love wakame
I personally shrine like 80% of my collection and then have a "misc" corner where I don't have enough stuff a shrine so it goes there. I love making shrines but alas u can't do it for everything.
2 days ago
For figures, my collection is very esoteric: it's organized how I 'feel' it should be.

What that means is some shelves are grouped together by character (like my Zero Two or Ryuko shelves) or grouped together by aesthetic (my swimsuit shelf, my wedding dress shelf)... but outside of those, the other shelves are a mix of different figures that I just 'feel' go together. Maybe it's by color, maybe it's by theme, maybe it's by size, and maybe it's just what fits the best, but I don't have a definitive method for the rest of it.

My manga shelves are the same way: while I group manga and Light Novels separately, beyond that, I organize series by just where I 'feel' a series should be on the shelf.
2 days ago