
Comments Momocon 2023 Haul

First anime convention was Anime Weekend Atlanta 1996. Watching anime in large meeting rooms was a popular thing to do, as there was scant other way to see it in the US back then. Dealer room sold music CDs and VHS tapes - buying those is how you watched anime at home. Figures basically didn't exist yet, just a handful of garage kits. About 300 people came.

Best anime convention experience? I have no idea, because I've been to enough that it really depends on what kind of "best" we're talking about. Maybe Sakura-con 2012? That year I got to have dinner with GoH Kanon Wakeshima (cellist, singer, songwriter; think Vampire Knight, Shiki, Wixoss OP/EDs) and her manager at the Hard Rock Cafe, which was cool enough. But I was flabbergasted when she cocked her head at me partway through the meal and asked if I wasn't the same person who brought her a specific kind of chocolates the year before at a different convention in a different state. Yes, I was, and that gift was part of a mere ten-minute meet and greet with six congoers. With all the people a celebrity meets during a year, how the heck did she remember that?! Well, that was a fun experience inside of a fun experience, or an interesting story at least.

That was the first and last time I got to eat dinner with Kanon, but not the last time I saw her in person. There are more stories from CD autograph events in Japan later on.
29 days ago
I went to MomoCon, too! It was so much, though I wish I had bought more stuff. ; u ;
29 days ago
buggie-tan ムカデ˚ ༘♡
omg i was at momo!!! it was my first time going & i loved it sm!!!
1 month ago