
Comments a little unboxing video

magicant17 days ago#125048434this video is so adorable!!! your excitement as you opened it up put a smile on my face it reminded me of how i feel unboxing my grails aha also might i add i love ur fnaf hoodie!lovely video :~)

UNBOXING GRAILS IS THE BEST FEELING EVER I still get all YAAHHOOO WHOPPEE when I look at her on my shelf!!! Youre so nice and adorable for saying such kind things waahh ty!!

Im a big fnaf nerd ahAH its my favourite hoodie ever ty for noticing <3
16 days ago
AnimeCowgirl3317 days ago#125036579I really enjoyed watching your video! I loved how you were so excited for Taiga! I was like that too when I unboxed her : ) Definitely would love to see more!

WAAAH TAIGA LOVERS UNITE thank you ty!! It was way more fun to be able to share it like that, I'm so happy you enjoyed it T_T this is really the exact reason I wanted to post, so I could meet and chat with silly yippee excited collectors like me! Ty again!
16 days ago
this video is so adorable!!! your excitement as you opened it up put a smile on my face it reminded me of how i feel unboxing my grails aha also might i add i love ur fnaf hoodie!lovely video :~)
17 days ago
I really enjoyed watching your video! I loved how you were so excited for Taiga! I was like that too when I unboxed her : ) Definitely would love to see more!
17 days ago
Shunko17 days ago#125036417what's your channel name and video title?

Ahh does the link not work?? Im new but you can try searching omgsillyangel
17 days ago
what's your channel name and video title?
17 days ago