
Comments does anyone know what's happening with Ukiyo Kumo?

The site is gone as well ;_;
2 hours ago

Looks like y'all were right. Ukiyo Kumo has filed for bankruptcy. Connexe toys is also filing for bankruptcy as well
2 hours ago
Tsikura Where's Season 2?
Anyone working with Paypal disputes for old preorders? Real shame what's happening with these guys. I barely dodged the bullet with KirinHobby years ago. After this I really don't think it's worth the effort to deal with these kinds of shops anymore. Lost all trust. At best use otakumode and bbts.
1 day ago
gurokawaii2 days ago#125611554it probably got lost in the mail that isnt the stores fault

No the figure has not been shipped. They don't have stock of it. The page occasionally gets updated saying expected in the next 2-3 months, however it's been doing that since the figures release.
2 days ago
Cantisama2 days ago#125620676-snip-im so happy your bank is working with you! this whole thing is truly awful and it sucks that they seem to be going the route of "sell off our stock and disappear". Hospitable_Fish2 days ago#125611726contacted my bank and they declined my claim. I really don't want to have to wait until october/november to sort this out. They said I don't have enough proof >.< i'm so sorry! mine declined my claim too and i'm waiting to hear back from higher ups :(mercelia2 days ago#125611700-snip- what sucks is so many people online were sticking up for them saying the site was reputable :( they all gave me false hope i don't think i'll order from any place again that takes my money first tbh
2 days ago
Contacted my bank. After collecting information, including when the order was expected to be fulfilled and my communications with the shop, they are issuing a temporary credit for the value of the order (one Nendoroid, a little under $60). It can take a few months for the dispute to finish. During that time, they will contact the shop themselves and ask them to issue a refund. If the shop responds and issues the refund, then my bank will remove their own credit. If the shop does not respond, the temporary credit issued today becomes permanent.

Last time I had to deal with this was with Anime Island. My bank was helpful back then as well and got back the two pre-order deposits I had made.

I've never had an issue with in-stock orders from Ukiyo Kumo. Their box packaging was the best I've seen of any figure shop. This was my first pre-order with them and my testing the waters before pre-order anything else. I thought something was off when all other US shops got the Nendoroid many months ago and they were still waiting. They assured me back in February that my order would still be fulfilled...
2 days ago
contacted my bank and they declined my claim. I really don't want to have to wait until october/november to sort this out. They said I don't have enough proof >.<
2 days ago
Had to edit bc mfc just nuked half my response for some reason

No yeah there is def something going on with them. I've ordered from them before and it was fine, but my last order of 2 Miku prize figures that I ordered in January 2022 and I've still recieved nothing. And it hasn't gotten lost or aynthing, because it hasn't shipped at all. They kept pushing back the release date every month when it was time to release, and everytime I would email them they would say it's just a delay but "don't worry, it's still coming"

Then cut to my most recent attempts to contact them and ask about my order, and they have gone to completely ignoring me. So yeah I 100% feel like they have turned into a huge scam. And I used paypal so I can't even dispute it with my bank.

And if you look at reviews online, you'll see a lot of people are having the same experience with them right now. I would avoid ordering from them at all costs, and idk about anyone else who has open orders with them, but I won't stop emailing them until I either get my figures or a refund.

Regardless I am NEVER going to order from them again, they have lost all trust and credibility in my book.
2 days ago
Well this is disheartening to hear. Seems like it might be a move to cancel my ITEM #1392338 preorder with them. Sucks cause I thought I got a great deal on this figure.

Will be keep a tab on this thread to see if anyone else can offer some updates
2 days ago
Still waiting on my first release Houshou Marine nendoroid from them, been almost 2 years now :')
2 days ago