
Comments Interview with Myethos

Woah. Why did I read this only now.
Really interesting interview!!! Thank you for that. ^^

And look how far they have come!!!

My recent figure is Cheshire Cat and compared to the first two this is worlds apart. They got SO MUCH better now.

Plus they have become my fav figure company as of recently.

Sometimes I wish I could have a sneak peak into the production process.
How do they paint the figures? How do they create these tiny, tiny details (painted nails, tiny emblems etc.)? How do they create a figure out of a painting. etc.

This whole process is intersting to me. ^^
1 year ago
M-Linfa7 years ago#8519884OMG why didn't I read this article earlier, I remember clicking on it the day you posted it but didn't notice the link to the blog x_X
Very nice interview, I like their goal in making figures of characters depending on the hype, I think he mean to say is that they'll be making figures of series that no company would adventure into making even though they'd sell very well.
I'd die from excitement if they were to make a little mermaid figure *^*

2 years ago
OMG why didn't I read this article earlier, I remember clicking on it the day you posted it but didn't notice the link to the blog x_X
Very nice interview, I like their goal in making figures of characters depending on the hype, I think he mean to say is that they'll be making figures of series that no company would adventure into making even though they'd sell very well.

I'd die from excitement if they were to make a little mermaid figure *^*
7 years ago
I was curious about this company, so thanks very much for reaching out to them! Real excited about the prospect of having anther male figure manufacturer in the game.
7 years ago
bibiten Militant Missionary
Excellent work. I'm pleased all around, and so looking forward to the Queen of Hearts.
7 years ago
I'm so glad you were able to get in touch with them! Can't wait to see more of their stuff, their first couple releases actually look really nice (that Queen of Hearts design is BOMB!)

Good to see a figure company work like this, hopefully they can make their mark on the collecting world :D
7 years ago
I was wondering about this company.
I like their ideal of not making figures because of their popularity.
I will be supporting them in the near future
7 years ago
trapar7 years ago#5730206Came here for Gurren Lagann news. Was not disappointed.Mekuneko7 years ago#5730089-snip-purinbun7 years ago#5730083-snip-

Haha, I figured everyone would be all over the Nia part of the interview, and I am really glad I made sure to ask him questions about her.

Its good to see you all enjoyed it and thanks for the comments.
7 years ago
Came here for Gurren Lagann news. Was not disappointed.
7 years ago
Thank you for sharing this! It was really interesting! Kind of makes me want to support them more. x) Hopefully they'll make something I'd like to have. That Nia sounds very promising!
7 years ago