
Comments Photography: Master Artoria

Wow. Really cool picture! i really like the breakdown of all the work you put into this! :)
6 years ago
This is adorable~ hehe~
6 years ago
Very nice review. I always wanted to know how to make a simple diorama for my figures so they appear more nature than just standing around on their bases.
6 years ago
Very very impressive! Love the attention to detail you put into your sets.
6 years ago
Rajke Ca Fanatic
Amazing. The thing what surprised me the most is that your Diorama exists in multiple parts that are rearangable. And the details you see.
Respect for your work. :)
6 years ago
This is really impressive. The sheer dedication blows my mind. Keep up the good work!
6 years ago
dymitr6 years ago#14478569An amazing picture. I really love the authenticity of the bus booth with busline map and gravure ads. This is arguably your best work to date. I like this picture most of all i363.photobucke... since it shows her at a better angle and feels more intimite.
That golden ratio at the end is a nice touch too, though I thought it should've ended at Altria's face, rather than the bus stall.

Thank you :D
Yea, the compositional grid eh, i did not even use it before and during the photography process. I just slapped it on the photo to see how close it is after I've done everything. I was completely relying on "feel" when i framed the shots. Anyway I appreciate the feedback.
6 years ago
Muntoe6 years ago#14479377I love seeing your work on here and this setup is definitely one of my favorites so far.
Your prop building skills are awesome, every time I look through one of these I am astounded at the work that goes into your photos. What do you do after you build these sets? Do you put other figures on them or do you just have a bunch of large dioramas sitting around your house? xD

Thank you. My sets can be dismantled (they are assembled like gunplas, except that they are not made to be snap fit. That makes it easier to keep. Most of my sets end up like that because i don't have the space to keep them (i know, it's a shame). Some parts are not kept permanently, sometimes they are stripped down or modified to be used in a different photography project (to keep the costs low).
6 years ago
Muntoe Lover of cacti ♡꒰*・ω・
I love seeing your work on here and this setup is definitely one of my favorites so far.

Your prop building skills are awesome, every time I look through one of these I am astounded at the work that goes into your photos. What do you do after you build these sets? Do you put other figures on them or do you just have a bunch of large dioramas sitting around your house? xD
6 years ago
An amazing picture. I really love the authenticity of the bus booth with busline map and gravure ads. This is arguably your best work to date. I like this picture most of all i363.photobucke... since it shows her at a better angle and feels more intimite.

That golden ratio at the end is a nice touch too, though I thought it should've ended at Altria's face, rather than the bus stall.
6 years ago