
Comments Max Factory 1/7 Mistral "Misty" Nereis

Happyakrz3 years ago#71152964Great review — I’m definitely sold! Misty has been on my most-wanted list since the beginning of my collecting, and now that I’ve seen your review, she’s even higher on the list.

I can't believe it's been 4 years already since I wrote this article.

Even after all that time, Misty is still one of my favorite figures. Her character design really appeals to me with her blonde hair and twin ponytails, there's the Tony Taka factor, and the red parts of her swimsuit really draw the eye.
3 years ago
Great review — I’m definitely sold! Misty has been on my most-wanted list since the beginning of my collecting, and now that I’ve seen your review, she’s even higher on the list.

3 years ago
loveanime8 years ago#3098574Agree! Misty already came in, the fasted arrival ever: within 40 hours after ordering her! I have yet to unbox her but it seems the ribbon size is less of an issue when looking at the actual figure.

Plus, the ribbon stands out more if she is displayed without that gigantic skirt. Of course, the skirt also hides some of her best features :) .
8 years ago
Agree! Misty already came in, the fasted arrival ever: within 40 hours after ordering her! I have yet to unbox her but it seems the ribbon size is less of an issue when looking at the actual figure.

victorviper8 years ago#3088800Maia is another highly underrated old figure :).
8 years ago
loveanime8 years ago#3088292You have a good eye for combos. Once Elyse and Misty come in I will be able to make the same combo show with Maia and Ayane. Well almost the same because for Ayana I have the other variant ITEM #26219.

Maia is another highly underrated old figure :).
8 years ago
Definitely a attractive package I could sign up for any day in real life ;-) Toying with the idea of replacing the ribbon if it would somehow be possible to take out the leg (sometimes possible, depending on the amount of glue that is used). If that would be possible I could create a leaner ribbon and replace it and always go back to the original situation non-destructively. See how it goes.

You have a good eye for combos. Once Elyse and Misty come in I will be able to make the same combo show with Maia and Ayane. Well almost the same because for Ayana I have the other variant ITEM #26219.

victorviper8 years ago#3088257You know, I never really paid too much attention to the ribbon on her thigh. It might look bigger than it is because her bikini bottom is extremely skimpy by comparison.
She really is great to look at up close. Her stomach is quite attractive, and with the thong, the little bit of underboob, and the Tony factor, it makes for quite an attractive package!
8 years ago
loveanime8 years ago#3087706Initially I wrote this figure off as yet another swimsuit figure (although there is no such thing as too many swimsuit figures!). Your review put her back on the radar. While waiting does not always pay off, this time it did because while she was available at 8380 for a/b on amiami today, their recent silly mandatory SAL registration rule for shipments above 8000 made me have a quick look on amazon.co.jp where I got her brand new for only 6001 yen plus 1130 shipping, so that was a steal!
Hard to go wrong when both Tony and Nanako are involved. I agree with you that the tong pulling a disappearing act, just like is the case with Silfietta, is a bit of a disappointment but biggest issue with the figure is the ribbon on her left leg which I think is too big. However, she has more than enough goodies to make up for that. I also like the subtle curve in her tummy, something I have noticed on some of Nanako's other figures. It adds a touch of realism and sex appeal.

You know, I never really paid too much attention to the ribbon on her thigh. It might look bigger than it is because her bikini bottom is extremely skimpy by comparison.

She really is great to look at up close. Her stomach is quite attractive, and with the thong, the little bit of underboob, and the Tony factor, it makes for quite an attractive package!
8 years ago
Initially I wrote this figure off as yet another swimsuit figure (although there is no such thing as too many swimsuit figures!). Your review put her back on the radar. While waiting does not always pay off, this time it did because while she was available at 8380 for a/b on amiami today, their recent silly mandatory SAL registration rule for shipments above 8000 made me have a quick look on amazon.co.jp where I got her brand new for only 6001 yen plus 1130 shipping, so that was a steal!
Hard to go wrong when both Tony and Nanako are involved. I agree with you that the tong pulling a disappearing act, just like is the case with Silfietta, is a bit of a disappointment but biggest issue with the figure is the ribbon on her left leg which I think is too big. However, she has more than enough goodies to make up for that. I also like the subtle curve in her tummy, something I have noticed on some of Nanako's other figures. It adds a touch of realism and sex appeal.
8 years ago
SinicalGeek8 years ago#2778000I really like this figure and have it on my watch list... talking my wife into letting me buy this one may be tricky though lol. Thank you for the review and nice pictures. ;)

Well, when she's wearing her pareo, she's actually quite tasteful and non-pandering for a beach figure. Maybe that will make the sell easier...
8 years ago
I really like this figure and have it on my watch list... talking my wife into letting me buy this one may be tricky though lol. Thank you for the review and nice pictures. ;)
8 years ago