
Comments Tokimeki Memorial 15th Anniv.- Shiori Fujisaki & Hikari Hinomoto

Talk about coincidence. I'm not searching Amiami's Japanese site; I'm entirely ignorant of Japanese. However, I try to visit their preowned section every day. Some days this is a real chore when they added dozens, or even hundreds, of new items. But occasionally it does pay off.

Some of those listings (In the pre-owned section on their English page) just show a picture but no title. These draw my interest because these often are rather rare items. This particular listing is one of those without title. The picture just shows a closed box. I wondered what this would be and searched on here. When I found the entry, I noticed that someone had published a review just one day ago!

Interesting review by the way. While it backed up my decision to not go after these figures, I wanted to let other folks who might be interested know about this offer.
9 years ago
TomTheCat9 years ago#1873812Amiami preowned condition A-/B 9780 Yen www.amiami.com/... Compared to the prices you mentioned above, this appears to be a real steal...

How in blazes did you manage to find this?! I've searched for Tokimemo goods on Amiami many times in the past, and this never showed in the search results! And this even now: I just tried to do a search with the keywords "Tokimeki Memorial" and "15th anniversary", and it still doesn't show up!

(EDIT: Never mind, I think I've found the answer. You searched on the Japanese version of Amiami, correct? The set doesn't show up when using the search mode on the English version of the site, while it does on the Japanese version. Silly me, why didn't I think to do that with Amiami, when I do it routinely with Mandarake?! -_-)

In any case, that's an excellent find you did there, and I approve, it's an absolute steal: anyone who's interested in that set should immediately go grab it!
9 years ago
Amiami preowned condition A-/B 9780 Yen www.amiami.com/... Compared to the prices you mentioned above, this appears to be a real steal...
9 years ago
victorviper9 years ago#1872456Well, that's a very nice thing to say. Thank you.
One of the things that I like about the MFC community is that so many users are willing to write reviews, take photos, and share their figure experiences. I know that many times I've been on the fence about whether or not to get a particular figure, and a review on MFC helped me make the decision. Plus, it's a lot of fun to photograph figures and write about them! So, hopefully you'll keep writing reviews as well.

You're welcome. :)
I agree, users' photos and review are really helpful to decide if the figure is worth it, especially with minefields like Griffon. And yes, taking photos of figures is fun! (although at times hard, the sunlight sometimes just don't want to cooperate with you, ha ha :p). Sure, I'll write more reviews in the future, count on me on that one!

shinhawk9 years ago#1872940It was a pleasure reading! Thank you for doing the review. The two of them are some of my favorite Tokimemo characters. :)

Thank you very much, and you're welcome! :)
The "bonus" section of my collection doesn't reflect it (Shiori and Hikari currently are equals in terms of number of goods I own, with 10 goods each), but I like Hikari way more than Shiori, actually. Not that I don't like Shiori. :p Hikari and Saki just happen to be my top two fave Tokimemo chars.
9 years ago
It was a pleasure reading! Thank you for doing the review. The two of them are some of my favorite Tokimemo characters. :)
9 years ago
Eccmy9 years ago#1872373Also, I want to give you some special thanks. Your, MAAKIE 's, and KERIPO 's reviews inspired and motivated me to make a detailed review such as the one you see now. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every of your reviews, with my favourites being Alphamax Sena's, the FREEing bunnies (Ryoumo, Mikoto, Kuroko), Kotobukiya Yotsuba Model Kit, and QuesQ Taiga bunny. Keep up the good work!!

Well, that's a very nice thing to say. Thank you.

One of the things that I like about the MFC community is that so many users are willing to write reviews, take photos, and share their figure experiences. I know that many times I've been on the fence about whether or not to get a particular figure, and a review on MFC helped me make the decision. Plus, it's a lot of fun to photograph figures and write about them! So, hopefully you'll keep writing reviews as well.
9 years ago
victorviper9 years ago#1872311Nice review. I've always been aware of the existence of Tokimeki Memorial, but I'd probably be hard-pressed to to identify any of the characters.
I never really think of Konami when it comes to figure manufacturers, but it looks like they did a nice job on these two. Congratulations on finding one of your grails. Isn't it a great feeling?

Thank you! You're totally forgiven, there's so many characters in the whole Tokimemo series it's hard for people not in the fandom to recognize them all. Even more so in the case of characters who appeared in spin-off media like the side story games and the Drama CDs!

It's true Konami isn't primarily known for their figures. Though they do have a line of prize figures www.konami.jp/a..., as well as the Busou Shinki action figure line ENCYCLOPEDIA #329.
Yep, it's indeed a great feeling to finally have them, especially since it's been three years since I wanted them!

Also, I want to give you some special thanks. Your, MAAKIE 's, and KERIPO 's reviews inspired and motivated me to make a detailed review such as the one you see now. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every of your reviews, with my favourites being Alphamax Sena's, the FREEing bunnies (Ryoumo, Mikoto, Kuroko), Kotobukiya Yotsuba Model Kit, and QuesQ Taiga bunny. Keep up the good work!!
9 years ago
Nice review. I've always been aware of the existence of Tokimeki Memorial, but I'd probably be hard-pressed to to identify any of the characters.

I never really think of Konami when it comes to figure manufacturers, but it looks like they did a nice job on these two. Congratulations on finding one of your grails. Isn't it a great feeling?
9 years ago
Maestro9 years ago#1871479Thanks for the review - all the background info was a good bonus as well, nice job!
And since this is a nice intersection between a few interests of mine, I'm just gonna post this link here:
I'm sure you've already seen this Eccmy given your encyclopedic knowledge of all things Tokimeki Memorial, but if not, YOU'RE IN FOR A TREAT. :D And everyone else, you can see the source game being played by the Japanese comedian Shinya Arino, of Game Center CX fame. It's fan-subbed here, and it's one of my favorite shows, a real hidden gem. :)

Thank you very much!
Yes, I know about Game Center CX, and have seen several of their episodes, including the Tokimeki Memorial one! I like those kind of shows, and Game Center CX is one of my faves among them. Thanks for mentioning it!

Foreverzero9 years ago#1871481Trying to find a word..... technical feels about right. Looks good to me and thorough, keep up the good work.

Thank you very much! Yes, it's true I wanted my review to be as methodical and as detailed as possible. :p

Riesz9 years ago#1871527Excellent detailed review!
I played a fan translation of one of the girls side games and really enjoyed it.
Also, maybe you could try using a tiny bit if poster tack to hold the shells on the base?

Thanks a lot! I'm not into the Girl's Side branch, but they are very good games, I'm glad you've discovered the series through one of them and had fun with it.
Poster tack, huh? That's a good idea indeed. I just need to check if I can find one that won't leave glue residue on the base if I want to peel the shells off it. Thanks for the tip!
9 years ago
Excellent detailed review!

I played a fan translation of one of the girls side games and really enjoyed it.

Also, maybe you could try using a tiny bit if poster tack to hold the shells on the base?
9 years ago