
Comments Figure Sculptor Takeshi Miyagawa (T's System) at Connichi 2015

DocMonkey7 years ago#9090144Yes I'm one of the gk builders :)
He painted the Coroton - Tonko-chan and a Chii/Freya on the outside but it was a bit hidden as we needed a roof and had also issues that the airbrush fumes wouldn't be sucked in by the air conditioning...
It was quite suboptimal both for the artist(s) and the visitors. Plus the shitty weather :/
It really surprises me that no one wanted to speak English to you. Maybe they didn't have the heart to do or something like that.
You can buy his kits via bidding agents from yahoo auctions (as he is one of the most popular gk/ figure sculptors there are always plenty of his gks on auction)

Ahh! I was looking at the Tonko-chan a lot at his stand as it was a Work In Progress. I had no idea he was actually painting it sometimes outside. :( Was there any sign or announcement that he would paint? (It could be I completely missed it because of the language barrier.) Yeah, because of the bad weather I was barely outside except for a bit on the first day.

I have no clue! Maybe you know this better, but are Germans in general a bit more shy in talking English? Or is it that Connichi isn't focussed much on an international audience? For example, our biggest con does almost all of the main events in English and you can ask the person giving the lecture to switch to English if needed (if an event will be Dutch-only it is also announced). In the con-booklet of Connichi there were only a few events announced in English from what I saw. And on top of that those few events were given by Dutch people that give the exact same ones over here, lol. So nothing worth to visit for me. I did end up visiting a few more big events, such as the "Bring & Auction" and try to follow as much about the event as I could. :P

Oh yeah I own multiple of his kits and buy kits from Yahoo! and Surugu-Ya regularly. :) It's just that I was hoping he had some for sale with him at the stand as I prefer buying from artists directly instead of resellers.
7 years ago
Maakie7 years ago#9082385Hello!
Thanks for clearing some things up. Because of the language barrier, most of the stuff put in here were own experiences or things told to me by staff or other visitors.
Considering you know a lot about garage kits, I assume you were one of the people from the German Garage Kit builders group I saw working at a few places?
Seeing mr. Miyagawa paint was also something I would have thought of as very interesting, I had no clue about that, he was also painting outside at some points? (Or he only said he was interested in painting outside?)
I also had no clue about not all figures being handpainted by him (I was told by staff all of them were his own + handpainted by him). I'll edit that in the blog.
Yeah, there were also staff members with an "English" button on their shirt to which I could ask questions while at the con. :) But I was very surprised realising a lot of people (visitors included) didn't understand any basic English (this was only my 2nd time in Germany, but I thought a lot of Germans were pretty good with speaking English).
I would love to see him again at another convention, hopefully with a painting panel/showing then! And even better would be if he had some items for sale, but I know that can be very hard with the licensing.

Yes I'm one of the gk builders :)
He painted the Coroton - Tonko-chan and a Chii/Freya on the outside but it was a bit hidden as we needed a roof and had also issues that the airbrush fumes wouldn't be sucked in by the air conditioning...
It was quite suboptimal both for the artist(s) and the visitors. Plus the shitty weather :/

It really surprises me that no one wanted to speak English to you. Maybe they didn't have the heart to do or something like that.

You can buy his kits via bidding agents from yahoo auctions (as he is one of the most popular gk/ figure sculptors there are always plenty of his gks on auction)
7 years ago
DocMonkey7 years ago#8955788Hi,
sorry to hear that you were a bit disappointed :/
There were some communication issues between the con and Miyagawa-san about live sculpting, live painting etc.. He painted a garage kit but it couldn't be done on the stand because of worries about spray paint and the air conditioning. So he could only work on the outside :(
He wanted to show painting instead of sculpting because you only see very little progress while sculpting and that could be a bit boring for visitors.
The translator actually has knowledge about garage kits ...^^
The figures in the display cases were mostly painted by other people (e.g. the two from shuffle by myself). Miyagawa-san can not transport so many painted figures by plane (also every hand painted figure form him is a absolute masterpiece and has a very (!) high value). He brought the battle damaged Saber and Rei.
The Saber bride is a pvc figure. (but of course there is a hand painted master by Miyagawa-san somewhere in japan)
Maybe we should have clarified that a bit more.
Sorry that apparently nobody could answer your questions but there were really some people at the booth that can speak English (at least a little bit ;) ).
Maybe there is a chance again to meet Miyagawa-san somewhere in Europe because he loves to travel to conventions and Europe especially.


Thanks for clearing some things up. Because of the language barrier, most of the stuff put in here were own experiences or things told to me by staff or other visitors.

Considering you know a lot about garage kits, I assume you were one of the people from the German Garage Kit builders group I saw working at a few places?

Seeing mr. Miyagawa paint was also something I would have thought of as very interesting, I had no clue about that, he was also painting outside at some points? (Or he only said he was interested in painting outside?)

I also had no clue about not all figures being handpainted by him (I was told by staff all of them were his own + handpainted by him). I'll edit that in the blog.

Yeah, there were also staff members with an "English" button on their shirt to which I could ask questions while at the con. :) But I was very surprised realising a lot of people (visitors included) didn't understand any basic English (this was only my 2nd time in Germany, but I thought a lot of Germans were pretty good with speaking English).

I would love to see him again at another convention, hopefully with a painting panel/showing then! And even better would be if he had some items for sale, but I know that can be very hard with the licensing.
7 years ago

sorry to hear that you were a bit disappointed :/
There were some communication issues between the con and Miyagawa-san about live sculpting, live painting etc.. He painted a garage kit but it couldn't be done on the stand because of worries about spray paint and the air conditioning. So he could only work on the outside :(

He wanted to show painting instead of sculpting because you only see very little progress while sculpting and that could be a bit boring for visitors.

The translator actually has knowledge about garage kits ...^^

The figures in the display cases were mostly painted by other people (e.g. the two from shuffle by myself). Miyagawa-san can not transport so many painted figures by plane (also every hand painted figure form him is a absolute masterpiece and has a very (!) high value). He brought the battle damaged Saber and Rei.
The Saber bride is a pvc figure. (but of course there is a hand painted master by Miyagawa-san somewhere in japan)
Maybe we should have clarified that a bit more.

Sorry that apparently nobody could answer your questions but there were really some people at the booth that can speak English (at least a little bit ;) ).

Maybe there is a chance again to meet Miyagawa-san somewhere in Europe because he loves to travel to conventions and Europe especially.
7 years ago
VioFitz7 years ago#8818222Sounds like a big experience to me but, that language barrier was a pain indeed & what kind of a translator is that? That was a events of showing how they do the sculpting work, she should be ready for this kind of thing! Next time, they should atleast hire someone more reliable & more well known to figure to translate.

Well, this con was completely volunteer-run, so my guess is that the translator was also a volunteer and that they couldn't find a volunteer translator that was also known with figures?

The language barrier was indeed a pain and a problem I foresee if I end up wanting to visit more cons in Germany. :(
7 years ago
Sounds like a big experience to me but, that language barrier was a pain indeed & what kind of a translator is that? That was a events of showing how they do the sculpting work, she should be ready for this kind of thing! Next time, they should atleast hire someone more reliable & more well known to figure to translate.
7 years ago
TeaKat7 years ago#6567060This was a very enjoyable read :) Thanks for sharing your story.
It felt like I was there too!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed! :)
7 years ago
This was a very enjoyable read :) Thanks for sharing your story.

It felt like I was there too!
7 years ago
secretly-otaku7 years ago#6542788What a shame that Miyagawa couldn't show his art in the best way. It seems like every anime convention has this kind of difficulties to have everything set on time and working properly, eh? xP Gotta say I have a bunch of T System's GKs listed so it would have been great to see some sculpting. Maybe you could try to bring him to a dutch convention!

Oh yeah, tell me about it, lol! I've been to many conventions, but I've never seen one where all/most of the events go really smooth. :P I think the best ones I've seen were commercial ones in the USA. :P

I'm still really disappointed we got an old lecture from him. Of course I appreciated it and I'm glad he had some sort of back-up, but man! I wanted to see live figure sculpting!!!

Oh no no no. I tried once to plan an international guest and it's a crazy amount of work and supervision. You won't see mee burn my hands on something like that. xD But kudos to every con and/or planner that manages to do an international guest (most of the time including language barrier) right!
7 years ago
What a shame that Miyagawa couldn't show his art in the best way. It seems like every anime convention has this kind of difficulties to have everything set on time and working properly, eh? xP Gotta say I have a bunch of T System's GKs listed so it would have been great to see some sculpting. Maybe you could try to bring him to a dutch convention!
7 years ago