
Comments Continuation and End: Misato Katsuragi [Review]

Archiwheel2 years ago#83701948Thank you! Hope that you'll find the time to build her, she is worth it!
I've had her for 15 years and I have done nothing!
2 years ago
momo-san2 years ago#83702766The enjoyment rating you gave for Misato in this review is fully justified.
I have this Misato figure myself and she is grate!

Yeah, isn't it? Glad you agree
2 years ago
The enjoyment rating you gave for Misato in this review is fully justified.
I have this Misato figure myself and she is grate!
2 years ago
Wario542 years ago#83661660Nice review! Just watched Evangelion recently and Misato was my favorite so I was surprised to see that she doesn’t have many figures. This one looks like it does her justice despite its age though!
Thank you and yes, this figure really does her justice! Plus the old school ads nostalgy, like said in a previous comment here.
2 years ago
rogue_g2 years ago#83660736Great job finding her in such good condition! Glad collectors are still able to find old grails like this, gives me hope I'll add her to my collection one day. Definitely appreciate the great pics, kind of a cool novelty to be able to take detailed shots like this of such old figs!
Thanks ! Yeah, sometimes it's a long way to find a grail (it took me 20 months to find my DxD Koneko) but this time it was pretty fast. It was a luck. Hope that you'll also find one.
I'm very glad that you appreciate the pictures: I missed that when I was planning to buy her. Detailed pics at that time were rare, so I wanted to add these to the database for other collectors
2 years ago
sgg_hobby2 years ago#83659319Congrats on getting this figure prepainted. My GK is still waiting for my attention!
Thank you! Hope that you'll find the time to build her, she is worth it!
2 years ago
AgentDrafire2 years ago#83659246This is a really lovely Misato, you made the right choice getting her! Congrats on obtaining her! She's truly an old but gold figure, like you said, the details are really good, almost comparable to figures today! Thanks for reviewing!
Thank you so much, and glad you liked this review !
2 years ago
dtindcarea2 years ago#83655334Lovely figure and in excellent shape from what I see. Congrats on finding and getting her. Her price was the primary reason I never got this version.
Thank you! Yes, her shape is excellent, fortunately. And yes, her price is excessive usually, that's why I jumped on this one, not cheap of course, but still a good deal for what I got. Hope that you'll have the opportunity to find one, too!
2 years ago
LittlePisces2 years ago#83655313You're very lucky to own her! She's the few Misatos that catches my eyes. Also being made in the early 2000's gives off nostalgia. ^_^
Thank you very much. Yeah, I completely agree!
2 years ago
Nice review! Just watched Evangelion recently and Misato was my favorite so I was surprised to see that she doesn’t have many figures. This one looks like it does her justice despite its age though!
2 years ago