
Comments [Restoration] Houseki no Kuni - Antarcticite

I was able to pick up antarticite and phos last year from a very kind collector the held them for me for months as I got hurt at work. Seeing the condition yours came in sank my heart, but at least it was fixable and looks good as new! Glad you were able to fix them with relative ease, and honestly, amazing sculpting skills on the shattered extra piece.
26 days ago
Rycat220 #1 BRS Fan
Reading the first half of your story my heart honestly sank for you. Antarc is an absolute one of a kind figure and i cannot imagine the devastation you would of felt when seeing the damage and scuff marks. But the restoration process you pulled on this figure is amazing! You should be super happy with how it turned out, and if anything this makes it much more personal and truly your own thing which is extra special. Congrats on finally obtaining them!!
26 days ago
Amazing work! I personally love houseki no kuni and antarc and i wish the anime got a second season ><; either way, you did a great job! Thanks for listing all of the materials you used too, im gonna keep those in mind for the future lol
26 days ago
Wow amazing job, they look beautiful!! I'll be sure to keep your tips in mind for the future as well, never know when stuff like that will come in handy
26 days ago
I think you did an excellent job with the restoration. It looks brand new.
27 days ago
Have had her on display for several years, and this is definitely a constant phobia of mine
27 days ago
Omg thank you so much!!!!!! I had a super similar experience identical to yours except mine hadn't broken from the base and i couldn't get an idea of what to use to sculpt the missing piece, i will try this now!!! Thanks so so much for sharing!!!
27 days ago
You did a good job!
I am very happy that you have obtained your grail! This figure is gorgeous (one on my fave figures ! ) but so fragile...I would have been so terribly anxious to know it would come without box xcx
27 days ago
wow, impressive job! such a beautiful figure, you cleaned it up well! :)
27 days ago