
Comments MFC Origins Proposal

Since we can't upvote or smth,I'd just like to say that I'm in favor of this tbh

A few weeks/months ago was trying to add a specific sakura kinomoto acrylic keychain to my collection only to not be able to find it and having to go through hours and hours of going with the tag thingy,it was painful to say the least ><"

Also wouldn't it be also beneficial to have a better system to separate and organize what each item is?
like the Goods tab of each character/origin,it contains stuff from mini figures,to straps,plushies,etc etc,but sometimes it's too much imo and you can't even find specific stuff like Acrylic charms or rubber straps,they're both grouped into hanged-up ><
2 years ago
lorddralnu2 years ago#94698792I've been thinking about this for some time as well. I feel he current system falls apart especially when there are multiple "media types" involved. It's quite common that original LN and/or manga and first season of anime are treated as one Origin and each following anime season has its own Origins entry. Shingeki no Kyojin is a good example: main series, second season, 3rd season. In this case the first Origin covers manga (100% of the story, characters, etc.) as well as the first season on the anime (let's say it's 30% of the story and 70% of characters). The entry representing the 2nd season will cover another portion of the story and introduce new characters compared to the 1st season BUT everything was already covered by manga ("main" Origin) so what's the point of it being here in the first place?
Adding items tagged by manufacturers as "season 2" will go to the 2nd Origin but does it actually add any valuable information for the database? Does anyone really look for Levi figures but ONLY ones released under "season 2"? Tagging an item as "season X" by manufacturers feels purely technical and won't matter as time passes by anyway. This system is not only confusing but also feels pointless in most cases aside from items like DVD/blu-ray/OP-ED CDs, etc. (which are all anime-related).
The problem is even clearer when it comes to unofficial items like GKs and doujin goods/books. Artists don't usually tag their works with "proper" Origins (in MFC terms) so most of them land in the "main" Origin anyway.
Doing it the way mukario proposed feels like a good middle ground between having just one Origin per franchise (no "seasons", "spin-offs", etc.) vs linking items only to specific Origins within a franchise (like we're doing right now).

that's a good point- who goes looking for specific Levi season 2 figures? But in terms of say, Pokemon generations, people actually might look under a certain generation/era/season. thats why i think origins should also have an overarching franchise that gets added automatically. that way, people can search for either a certain season or the main franchise and find all the relative items.

im glad this has gotten a lot of positive feedback and i'm wondering how it could be implemented and/or if anyone in charge of these things on the site have seen it.
2 years ago
I've been thinking about this for some time as well. I feel he current system falls apart especially when there are multiple "media types" involved. It's quite common that original LN and/or manga and first season of anime are treated as one Origin and each following anime season has its own Origins entry. Shingeki no Kyojin is a good example: main series, second season, 3rd season. In this case the first Origin covers manga (100% of the story, characters, etc.) as well as the first season on the anime (let's say it's 30% of the story and 70% of characters). The entry representing the 2nd season will cover another portion of the story and introduce new characters compared to the 1st season BUT everything was already covered by manga ("main" Origin) so what's the point of it being here in the first place?

Adding items tagged by manufacturers as "season 2" will go to the 2nd Origin but does it actually add any valuable information for the database? Does anyone really look for Levi figures but ONLY ones released under "season 2"? Tagging an item as "season X" by manufacturers feels purely technical and won't matter as time passes by anyway. This system is not only confusing but also feels pointless in most cases aside from items like DVD/blu-ray/OP-ED CDs, etc. (which are all anime-related).

The problem is even clearer when it comes to unofficial items like GKs and doujin goods/books. Artists don't usually tag their works with "proper" Origins (in MFC terms) so most of them land in the "main" Origin anyway.

Doing it the way mukario proposed feels like a good middle ground between having just one Origin per franchise (no "seasons", "spin-offs", etc.) vs linking items only to specific Origins within a franchise (like we're doing right now).
2 years ago
I'd definitely be down for this as well. It'd make searching for stuff so much easier.
2 years ago
I’ve thought about this as well, I think it would be great to have a feature liked you described. Nothing useful to say, just agreeing with you!!!
2 years ago
Sonlen2 years ago#94692098Instead of adding a new category to every database listing, just change how inheritance works for "franchise" origin pages. Pokemon Diamond & Pearl for example is a stand-alone origin. And right now, burred in the related entries box, it's listed as being a part of the Pokemon Franchise.
If we take a look at that origin page Pokemon. A solution could be to have this page inherit all figures/goods/media from origins which are part of this "franchise". I don't think this behavior would be confusing, and it would prevent double-tagging on every item page.

Yeah I agree, if there was some way to make an origin a franchise and inherit its sub-origins' items would be very helpful.
2 years ago
Instead of adding a new category to every database listing, just change how inheritance works for "franchise" origin pages. Pokemon Diamond & Pearl for example is a stand-alone origin. And right now, burred in the related entries box, it's listed as being a part of the Pokemon Franchise.

If we take a look at that origin page Pokemon. A solution could be to have this page inherit all figures/goods/media from origins which are part of this "franchise". I don't think this behavior would be confusing, and it would prevent double-tagging on every item page.
2 years ago
I sometimes have trouble with search results for similar reasons as well. It usually happens with series that have multiple seasons, but with different names.

I think the "Related Entries" part in the Encyclopedia section was meant for this, but since it usually has to be added by hand and also doesn't affect search results, it's not as helpful as it could be.

I'd wish for something like this as well. I doubt this will get seen by people who can make it happen, but I wish it did.
2 years ago
PanchitoMatte Emilia-tan Maji Tenshi!
Davidnes2 years ago#94608037I have trouble finding some Fate figures because of this so I'd really like to see them make this change.Try searching by tag instead. Specifically, fate seriesCLICK TO HIDEhttps://i.ibb.co/jZGSLJf/MFC-Searching-By-Tags.png
Many generic tags are auto-generated (based on the origin, character(s), manufacturer, and rights holder, to name a few), but you might be surprised just how much are suggested by the community. Who knows, perhaps you will consider adding tags to the entries in which you're interested?
2 years ago
PanchitoMatte Emilia-tan Maji Tenshi!
Nifffi2 years ago#94608366As an alternate solution, I'd be nice if they let you search two or more origins at once. You can do that currently, but you only get results that match all of the origins you selected, and I'd like to see results that match any of them.That is incorrect. What you are asking for are search results that must match at least one of the following entries. Please see the screenshot below demonstrating search results from two separate anime.
2 years ago