
ProbablyANinjaProbablyANinjaRegular Boarder

Feeling old. XD
Last visit 8 hours ago • Joined 4 years ago18,489 hits (6,033)


Just another anime enthusiast.

Favorite character: Holo from Spice and Wolf.
Can't really bring myself to use the word "Waifu" yet. XD

I love reading! I'm always open to discovering new books, especially lesser-known indie titles, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to pass them my way. :)

I would say I'm a pretty laid-back and approachable person, but I guess you'll have to be the judge of that. If you ever want to strike up a friendly conversation with me about a similar interest, send me a message. Just a fair warning: I'm super busy with work and projects most of the time, so it may take me a few days to reply, but I will respond eventually.

I guess I'm one of the few people who really don't mind if someone has a different visual preference than me. lol Beauty is a personal opinion and everyone has their own definition of it. As such, I don't think what one person considers "beautiful" can be right or wrong. There's no point in arguing about it because you can't change another person.



ManofCulture9 months ago#113455294Happy Birthday chief! I hope I wasn't too early or too late (time zones and all), anyway I hope you have a good one! :D
Thanks! Today is my actual birthday, so you're right on the money. :)
9 months ago
Happy Birthday chief! I hope I wasn't too early or too late (time zones and all), anyway I hope you have a good one! :D
9 months ago
ChocolateSpider9 months ago#113439737I heard it's probably your birthday! :DLotorLamiaNymph9 months ago#113436841Happy Birthday! I hope you are having a good day.
Thank you!
9 months ago
I heard it's probably your birthday! :D
9 months ago
Happy Birthday! I hope you are having a good day.
9 months ago
HSkeleton9 months ago#113421627Happy birthday!! Enjoy your special day.plasticizer9 months ago#113421608Happy birthday! Hope you're doing well.
Thank you!
9 months ago
Happy birthday!! Enjoy your special day.
9 months ago
plasticizer very mild
Happy birthday! Hope you're doing well.
9 months ago
Thank you!
11 months ago
hi whats up, i purchased the figure a while back but it was already modified by an artist in japan. the chains are from some sorta necklace
1 year ago


Author, Ninja, and General Idiot
Spice and Wolf, Gintama, etc... Too many to list!
A Song of Ice and Fire (series), The Count of Monte Cristo, Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Neuromancer
Dragon's Dogma, Animal Crossing, Zelda, Monster Hunter
MOE Point(s)
Big boobs & butt, thick thighs, piercings & tattoos, long hair, gothic outfits, monster girls, unusual skin color (pure white, blue, etc)
Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Punk, etc...
One crappy laptop after another.


Favorite Pictures156


Happoubi Jin
八宝備 仁
RX-93 v Gundam
RX-93 νガンダム
Ishuzoku Reviewers


13 years ago
12 years ago
7 years ago
5 years ago
3 years ago