
Kotobukiya KlanFavorite Kotobukiya Figure?

moetwinstyleRegular Boarder • lv10
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12 years ago
Do you have a favorite Kotobukiya figure?

Personally, I've collected a ton of their ToHeart/ToHeart2 figures, but for me, the one that stands out the best out of my collection would be their Moetan Pastel Ink.(●・ω・●)

Her scale is a nice size, theres lots of detail (the ribbons are lovely!) and I love the painting job. The pose is also really adorable~ (*´д`*)'`ァ'`ァ

zinv295Regular Boarder • lv14
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12 years ago
Love the Sengoku Rance and Shining Wind series from Kotobukiya. Favorite would have to be the Aisaka Taiga swimsuit ver. though figure/9210_ais....
The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously. El Psy Congroo!

De-JaYDark Lord of Anime TightsStaff Veteran • lv30
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12 years ago

@moetwinstyle I kinda hate my Pastel Ink. She's leaning SO bad. :/

My favourite is Kirisame Marisa
Pose and colors are just perfect. But whatI love most about her are the eyes. They have real depth picture/35599&a...
Die Glocke, sie ertönt. Bis in die unendliche Zukunft. Fliege hoch, hoch in den Himmel. Auch wenn du keine Flügel hast.
maximimonThe New Shadow EmperorRegular Boarder • lv24
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12 years ago
my favorite is the elegant and cute Erika Sendo figure/1627_sen...
pandidoraRegular Boarder • lv22
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12 years ago • Updated 12 years ago
At the moment my favorite in my collection is Kinoshita Takako. Her paint is so beautiful, it's pearl white. I just love that little Chinese dress! figure/1102_kin...

My next fav will be Dark magician girl. She has wonderful color scheme! figure/42095_bl...

Mostly I like only 1/7 and bigger scaled figures from Koto. I have one 1/8 scaled and that looks so small, compared to 1/8 scales made by other company.
escape_ropeVery Important Boarder • lv43
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12 years ago
Hitagi figure/27647_se... is my favourite Koto figure in my collection. I don't have many but I think the quality is pretty good too.

Holo figure/12_holo is great too, I really like my Shiki figure/716_shik... as well.
otaku-cupcakeMegley (◡‿◡✿)Regular Boarder • lv16
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11 years ago
Mai Kawasumi!~<3
mintbunnyThe Geeky BunnyVery Important Boarder • lv27
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11 years ago
Oh man, I have a ton! It used to be the Mirei-san bust, but after the Bishoujo line, they're all my favorite! Mostly Catwoman, Wonderwoman, Poison Ivy and Ms Marvel!
sarunamirabuRegular Boarder • lv23
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11 years ago
So many. (´;ω;`)

I'll just throw my Akiras (Togainu no Chi) in here because I absolutely love them. (´;ω;`) (ES Series and ES Series Damaged Ver.)

I have one regular one and two damaged version ones and I love them very much. (´;ω;`) There are others I love too but . . . Aki . . . ♡
DemiSoulsRegular Boarder • lv18
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11 years ago
Hokago Play ITEM #22613
The figure made me read the manga which was short but very enjoyable.
spideyroxasRegular Boarder • lv22
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11 years ago
My favourite would most likely be The Black Magician Girl myfigurecollect... but that's probably because i haven't recieved my Yugi yet.. i can imagine him taking my place as favourite

I also really like the FFVII version of the Tifa play arts myfigurecollect... IMO the older play arts are rather nice in quality compared to new releases (I'm looking at you XIII-2 Serah >__<)

but i'm quite new to getting pre-painted Static models from Kotobukiya, but the Yu-Gi-Oh! line has won me over even more!
Shiratori1Regular Boarder • lv13
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11 years ago • Updated 11 years ago
My favorite Kotobukiya figures is a tie between the Katsura Kotonoha figure (School Days) and the Shigure Asa figure (Shuffle!), both of which I own. I love their expressions and poses, and the quality of each is great, which is why I will continue to buy Kotobukiya figures. ^_^

kyzzyleRegular Boarder • lv14
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10 years ago
My favorite is probably Kawasumi Mai ITEM #24 since she was my first figure and started this hobby for me. Close runner-up is probably swimsuit Aisaka Taiga ITEM #9210. But there's also Tomoyo... and Misato... there's too many!
Pr0wlerRegular Boarder • lv14
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10 years ago
A good part of my collection is made of Koto's figures and they just keep coming. But I wanted one figure in particular from the moment I saw it and I was in complete awe when I had her, brand new, what a lucky find. And my favorite is ITEM #32784. I just love her in that blue pearly outfit! (the swimsuit-more-like-lingerie outfit)
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