Last visit 8 hours ago • Joined 13 years ago67,245 hits (547)


Mmm, I've been collecting figures since I was a kid. Only kaiju for the longest time until I got my first anime/game figure with the Mana Khemia LE in 2008. I have way more Godzilla related figures than are listed on here. See my pics to see them.

Though my collecting has slowed down a lot over the past half dozen years, I still add a few here and there from Birthday & Christmas gifts. I also have a few art books and a ton of game soundtracks.

I would absolutely love to have an Aurica Nestmile scaled figure or an Ionasal Kkll Preciel scaled figure. I've thought about acquiring a Dollfie Dream or an Azone that could be made to look like either of them in one of their various costumes, but realistically, that will never happen. Those prices o_O



9 years ago
6,520 hits • 7 comments


Ahhh. Yeah I dunno either ><;

Ohh how is Langrisser? I've been thinking of getting it down the road. Yeahh, I bet now that it's been 2 weeks there probably is like barely any cakes anywhere ;;;

That sounds cool omg! And expensive lol.
3 years ago
Yeah ><; Well whatever they do, they definitely have to be careful with how they go about it.

I'm disappointed that the rumor wasn't true :( But I guess in the end I'll be able to save my money for a while. Let the console launch and then wait for the first price drop or 2nd lol.

Omg Happy belated birthday! Did you have a good day?
3 years ago
Hmm, that's weird :/

Yeah, I dunno why it's been so long now >< Perhaps they want to make it their first 3d entry in the series and are making other games with other styles to see what might work? They don't want to screw D6 up.

In other news, I am happily playing Animal Crossing~
3 years ago
Oh, I didn't know Celceta was delayed ><;

That is true. I feel the same way. Like, there's quite a few games I'm interested in playing, but they aren't high on my radar so they probably won't be Day 1 purchases. I just keep waiting and hoping for a Disgaea 6 announcement lol.

Crazy idea, but I like it :) We'll see what Sony does...
3 years ago
I don't know about making games per se but maybe something in the field of video games down the road one day haha.

Hmm... doesn't look like it's any of their announcements this time around. I'm pretty excited though about Void Terrarium and Prinny reloaded.

Yeah I can't see why they couldn't do that either. That being said, I would get rid of my PS2 but I'm not sure about my PS3 (I have the Japanese Ar nosurge theme on it) or the PS4 (other Gust themes on it) ><;;;
3 years ago
Ahh I'm sorry to hear >< I hope things get better soon. I started school in the fall for Graphic Design and am currently halfway through the winter semester. I still and will always hate homework lol.

Ohh I've seen a lot of stuff around the internet about Azurlane but unfortunately I have no interest in it. I've been trying to buy less games and stuff and save money while at school ;;

I forgot Celceta was coming out soon! But I already am getting Animal Crossing, so... maybe later XD;
Ys 9 looks cool, hopefully they'll have an announcement for it soon.

I'll only get the PS5 for 2 reasons: If the rumors are true and it is indeed backwards compatible with all previous Playstation games (that way I can sell my old PS consoles), and after it has had its first price drop, cuz there's no way I can afford it lol.
3 years ago
Thank you!! X3

How have you been Thunder?
3 years ago
For now I'll be focusing on Zelda and Saint Seiya figures. After that I'll add the Chroche and Luca ones, and then... who knows? xD
3 years ago

It's okay! And yeah. It's because I've only recently registered, since I've started collecting figures myself.
3 years ago
There has been a lot of figures of her but yeah that one definitely is the best so far!
I've watched the first season of the anime and enjoyed it (I haven't watched the other ones yet haha ;;). I hope I'll like the games! :3 I just love Tsunako's art and the character designs!

Omg that is a pretty figure! I know nothing of Azure Lane either XD;;
4 years ago


FAA Meteorologist & Postal Carri
Ar tonelico OVA, Brighter than Dawning Blue, Murder Princess, Neptunia, Princess Lover, Date A Live, Castlevania
The Dreaming
Ar tonelico/Surge Concerto, Atelier series, Castlevania, Neptune, Ys VIII, Project Diva
MOE Point(s)
Head gear, thigh highs, long hair, ribbons, bows, frills
Metal, Rock, J-Pop, Game & Anime Soundtracks
Canon SD 1200 IS
Powerbook i7 2.66Ghz


Favorite Pictures918


Viese Blanchimont
Aurica Nestmile
Yatogami Tohka
夜刀神 十香
Dana Iclucia


14 years ago
13 years ago
12 years ago
11 years ago
9 years ago
